
16 0 0

Growing up I thought that when I turned 16 my mom would at least have a steady job. Don't get me wrong she is an amazing mother but, she's been stuck working the same 9-to-5 job since I was 10 years old. She has been saying "Things will get better I promise." And for a while, I believed her but now I'm 16 and needed some time away, which is why when my father died, I lost the only person that had kept me grounded. As I was folding the last few pieces of my wardrobe, my right-side pocket buzzed as my phone's ringtone went off Miley Cyrus Party in the USA I rolled my eyes. As I fumbled through my pocket to grab my cellphone. I pushed the accept button.

"Hi, grandma, I'm almost done packing!" The phone cuts in and out on her side but, when I can hear her again, she says "Have you told your mom?" I fumbled with the small stone necklace my father had given me before his passing. before saying, "No, but I'm about to." I hit the end call button before my gran could ridicule me. I zipped up the last of my suitcases and grabbed my toatbag before heading out the door.

I walked out the front door just to see Stacy's car. She was putting on her favourite lip gloss, cherry red before she finally spoke. "So, girl are you ready to have that big talk with your mom?" I shrugged my shoulders before muttering "No, not really." I then put all my bags into Stacy's new gray Honda civic. And then slouched in the back seat trying to avoid Stacy's chatter. If there's one thing I know about Stacy, it's that she never shuts up. So, it's best to just let her get out what she needs to and answer only when you are directly spoken too. But luckily, the diner was only 20 minutes from my house. And after 10 minutes of being in the car with Stacy, she finally prompted a question. "So, how are you holding up since you know your dad?" I felt uncomfortable, as it had only been 2 weeks since his passing. I shifted in my seat. "I'm managing," I said. Stacy and I had been friends since we were four years old, as my mom and her mom were friends. But as of lately Stacy and I have been drifting apart.

While she excelled in school and was now the captain of the cheerleading team, I on the other hand was getting C's at best and didn't like to participate in school activities. She also unlike me had pretty blonde hair, tan skin and beautiful blue eyes. She was basically the definition of a poster child. And I well I had messy light brown hair, pale skin and dark brown eyes. The definition of average. 

So, as you can imagine most conversations with Stacy were more of the time only a few words. When we stopped in front of the diner, I felt relieved to say the least. I grabbed the few bags Ihad packed and dragged them out to the curb. Stacy waved at me before saying "I hope everything goes well" she shouted. I nodded in agreement, as I walked into the diner. My mom's radiant smile faded when she saw my bags. She glided over to me holding a tray with food in one hand and a towel in the other. 

"So, I see you took up grandma on her offer." I nodded, dreading the painful conversation that was bound to happen. I sighed "Mom, I know you've been trying. But, I can't stay here anymore." She looked at me with pleading eyes "Is there anything I can do maybe, I could get a different job or, ask for some time off so we can have time together."

 I hated conversations like this, but it had to be done. "Mom, you and I both know that neither of those solutions would work. Besides I miss grandma." She nodded, knowing there was no way she could change my mind. I grabbed my bags knowing this conversation was over.

I had convinced myself that this was good for me. I had just hoped I was right. I walked about five minutes before my eyes were greeted with the bright fluorescent yellow bus sign. I took a seat on the right side of the blue bench, as the other side was covered with bird poop. And I waited maybe 10 minutes before checking my watch on my wrist. It read 4:30 great only five more minutes.

 I scrolled through Facebook. I saw pictures of my friends in places like the park, local pubs and of course parties. There were smiles plastered all over their faces which in turn made me smile. A tap of my shoulder snapped me out of the trance my phone had on me. I looked up to see a man with salt and pepper hair "What?" I asked. He pointed to the bus.

 "Oh, thanks I guess I lost track of time." I quickly gathered all my things. I then shuffled my way into the bus. I walked past at least eight rows of seats before taking my seat in the ninth row.

I laid my head on the window of the bus trying to get comfortable it was a 3 hour ride to Stony Plain. So, I might as well get comfortable I closed my eyes, only now hearing the cars that passed the bus.

A man tapped my shoulder when I looked around, everyone who was previously on the bus had now been gone the bus driver then stated, "Miss. were at your stop." I wiped the sleep out of my eyes and then gave him a Suttle nod, "Thank you." I stepped off the bus, it was only probably a three-minute walk from my Grans house. But I was so tired all my limbs hurt. I trudged through the next three minutes. When I saw the flicker of my grandma's porch light a smile fell on my dry lips. And when I saw my gran waving at me with a big smile, my smile turned into a big grin.

 I walked a bit further than dropping my bags on the ground, I ran into my gran's arms. "I missed you." She let out a small chuckle before saying "I missed you too." Grandma hurried me into the house. When I entered the house, everything looked the same. The smell of lavender, flower print walls and the light pastel yellow walls are still the same color. I'm glad she didn't take my mom's advice when she said, "Make it more modern." 

My grandma showed me two my room. When I entered, I was surprised to see a few teen magazines, white walls and a collection of photos as well as a light mint green bedspread. "Grandma you didn't." She smiled before saying "I thought it could use a makeover to more how do you kids say it? "fit your style."

 I ran up to her pulling her into a tight hug. "This is amazing thank you!" She gave me one more huge hug before she excused herself. I looked down at my watch, it was almost 8:30, and she was right to go to bed. I lay in the soft covers this was perfect. The only thing I had to worry about now was school. Oh yes, school I couldn't find anything I hated more than school. But this was my chance to start over, make friends and maybe do well for once. With that in mind, I fell asleep with ease. 

Breathtaking Deception (Book 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang