Chapter 1

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The drapes flung open as my grandma adjusted them however, I was blinded by the light. "Grandma, it's too early" I groaned. Instead of closing the drapes as I had hoped. She pulled my bed sheets off me. "You're going to be late for school." Oh, right school. She then hurried out of my room; I heard her footsteps trail down the stairs. "I don't want to get up" I groaned. Before then sliding out of bed and putting on my bunny slippers. I stumbled to the bathroom, tunning on the fosset the water brushing my fingers as I splashed it on my face. I then pulled out an outfit from my bag, a green t-shirt and dark brown corduroy pants. I slipped them on "Now what to do with my hair?" I muttered. My hair was not cooperating with me today as it ratted up easily. So, I decided to just throw it up in a bun.

I grabbed my bag "Good enough." I met my grandma in the kitchen. The smell of fresh bacon wafted up my nose. "Ooo, gran what are you making?" She gave me a slight smile "Just some eggs, bacon and toast, do you like jelly on your toast?" I sat at the table before answering "Yes I love jelly on my toast." She then slid some eggs and bacon on before plopping the toast on the plate. This was a nice change, as my mom never had time to spend with me in the morning, she was always gone before I was even awake. And usually, would have to grab a yogurt out of the fridge and it would always have a note that read "I'm sorry I couldn't stay for breakfast."

 Of course, she couldn't she never could. My grandma tapped my shoulder. "Are you going to eat your toast?" she asked. I shook my head in agreement as I grabbed my toast I took a few bites before standing up and grabbing my bag. "I have to go I'll be late to school," I said. My grandma shook her head. "I understand would you like a ride?" she asked. I thought about it for a moment, but the school was only maybe 20 minutes from the house.

"No, I think I'll walk," I said. I gave her a big loving smile before walking out the door. I walked through the town, and every so often I would look up from my phone to see bright green trees line the pavement. Only to look back down at my phone, to see the map. So, one right then left then another right at this corner. And then I'll be at the school I thought or maybe not. The map was confusing. I mean I was never good at directions. I began to think, I should've taken my grandma up on her offer to drive me to school. No, I was an independent woman I could do this.

Who was I joking I was lost. I guess I had been looking at my phone for to long, as I ended up bumping into a guy around my age. "Oh, my god I'm so sorry." I muttered out. Instead of being mad, he flashed me a smile. "Hi my name is Ember are you new here?" he asked. I shrugged "I guess you could say that, I'm looking for Stony plain high. I said, giving him my phone. He looked at it for a moment then handed it back to me. "I don't need that, I go to stony plain high or as I call it for short SPH." This was just the glimpse of luck I needed. "That's great," I said giving him a cheerful smile. I mean it had only been a few minutes and I had already met someone who went to my school, and he was also very pleasing to the eyes.

He began to walk faster, waving at me to follow. I did just that, but thinking about it I could've followed him and he could've killed me but luckily he wasn't some psycho killer.

 Because only a few blocks up he stopped and said, "Were here." And where I stood was a sign that read "Stony plain High" out of my peripheral vision I saw the jocks in their gold and green football gear. Ember nudged my shoulder before saying "That's my team, I better go get ready I have football practice before class. But you never told me your name." he inquired. I hated my name but, I couldn't just ignore my name so as I rocked back and forth holding books and phone I said, "My name is Aspen, but I go by penny sometimes."

 He gave me another smile that could melt any girls heart. "Penny, I like it." His friend tossed him the football I flinched, but he caught it in his hands. As he then walked away slowly fading from my view. Could today get any better I met one of the cutest guys at this school and it was only morning? I gathered my things as I stepped into the main office to get my schedule.

Breathtaking Deception (Book 1)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя