Chapter 2

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"People talk," she said. I wasn't even here even a week and people probably thought I was weird, having the teacher over. I shot her a glare why was my business not everyone elses? She began to giggle which soon turned into her bursting out laughing to which the teacher pressed a finger to her lips signaling for us to be quiet. "Dude I was just joking," Gia said trying to force herself to stop laughing." If she was joking, why did she mention the teacher coming over to my house? she continued by saying, "Although I was right about one thing my cousin likes you a lot." I put the small paintbrush down. "How do you know that I mean I've only been here for 2 days that doesn't make sense." I scoffed. She wrapped her fingers around the paintbrush and dipped it into a burgundy red adding some small details to her painting.

"He invited you to the dinner party, you know he doesn't just do that for anyone." She said as a matter of fact. I picked up a number 18 paint brush mixing the red and white to make a dusty rose pink adding pettles to the flower I was painting in the fields, as the conversation between Gia and I felt awkward. She piped up "I'm sorry for giving you a hard time, I was just trying to read you. Did you say yes to the dinner party that alone will let me know what type of person you are? What was that supposed to mean I thought as she waited for my response. Did I make a mistake for saying yes to Ember I mean I could just stand him up but that would be rude. "I said yes" I muttered. Gia's whole demeanor changed she was no longer bitter but, she became cheerful. Her eyes smiled just as big as the one planted on her face.

"I'll see you there then, oh and Aspen I like your hair" she said. ok, that was weird but maybe Ember had bad taste in girls or girls had hurt him in the past and his cousin was just trying to protect him, yeah that's what I'm going to go with. When lunch was over, I walked toward my English journalism class, luckily last night I had come up with a few clever answers for the interview aspect of the project. When the teacher finally glided into the classroom. I had my paper with my answers I sat there confident with what I had jotted down. She arranged us into groups of four so each of us had a partner and at the end we could all discuss what we had learned about each other's techniques. My partner was Molly from what I could tell she was plump with dark brown hair, brown eyes and a crooked smile. She brought her chair close to mine as she sat across from me.

"So, do you want to go first or should I?" she asked. I held my paper up "I'll go first," I said. She looked directly at me waiting for me to ask the questions. I pulled out a piece of paper and pencil to write down her answers as we were instructed to do. "Ok, first question, when did you start your journey as a writer?" her answer was something along the lines of 4 years ago. "My next question is, what inspired you?" she replied fantasy and mythology. These types of questions went on for almost the whole class hour and by the end of class, I was tired of answering the same 10 questions. When the bell rang, I was relieved to leave my English class.

The rest of the day was a blur but, also almost every class I went to I ended up seeing Gia in the hallway which I found odd but, I did my best to ignore it. When 7th hour rolled around, I slid into my seat and when Mr. Hall walked in he gave me a smile and then started his lecture. His face was still as smooth and glowy. Nobody seemed to mind this though as all the girls still gaued at him. I mean he was breathtaking but, I can't believe how these girls let them make fools out of themselves. I took out a piece of paper expecting to take notes like yesterday, however, Mr Hall surprised me as he pulled out a clear bowl from behind his desk. It had a bunch of small papers folded inside. He looked forward at the class giving a cheerful smile

 "class we are going to start our first-class project!" he said. oh wonderful, I hated class projects because, usually whoever I was paired up with wanted to be in charge and never let me do anything when it came to the project. I would just sit there like a waiting duck and I hated it. But Mr hall continued, "this will be a project of two I will assign you a partner, and one of you will pick a topic from this bowl, and whatever you get you have to stick with it. Mr. Hall started pairing up students, it took a solid 5 minutes for him to get to me. "Miss Aspen you will be with Gia. "he said. "suddenly I felt sick I didn't even know Gia was in this class but sure enough when I looked behind me there was Gia. How come I hadn't noticed her before? Gia moved her seat close to mine. When Mr. Hall extended the fish bowl full of topics in front of me. I swirled it around a few times before I pulled out a small piece of paper. I carefully unfolded the small piece of paper. I read it out loud -Ombre della Notte. "What does that mean?"

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