text 5: lie to myself

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It's been years since its been you and me

Too many friends, too my commitments to be free

And to be with you I would do anything

Even lie to myself...

These days it feels really awkward to call

Brainstorming over common topics to talk

And I rush to my phone on every notification sound

I miss you every second when you are not around...

In the parking lot,

Will I ever stop looking for your sleek red car?

And I imagine your shadows laughing at our campus stall

Oh, how I wish I could rewind it all...

Cause everytime I see your face

On someone's instagram page

I know it all over again

How it feels to be replaced

So I will lie to myself

You are too busy and sometimes it misses your mind

I make a dozen excuses 

That excuse you from ignoring your supposedly best friend...


I have been overindulging and lying awake in bed

Trying to stay afloat but things don’t seem to go my way

Been crying to songs that I don't even like

Fooling myself pretending everything is alright

When I go online I see your girls of grace

Who are masters of every show that l never ace

I have been taking long showers and cutting my hair

Going to weekend parties and I don't even care

Talking to recorders instead of friends

Spilling evey letter on my diary's page

And I will keep lying to myself

I have been sleeping too late and I am waking up early

Reevaluating myself while drinking iced coffee

And I think- this is enough for now

Its the little things that come around

And I know, this time around, tomorrow I will be stuck inside

A crowd that will swallow me and I will be lost

And I will say that its OKAY because

Its easier to lie

Than to smile sometimes

Its okay to allow myself to cry sometimes

Its okay if sometimes I wish to slow down time

Maybe just press rewind

And this time try to do it right

Maybe win this losing fight

I live so sad That happy endings seem overrated

Always been so focused on finding eternal happiness

That I forget to enjoy the little packets

Of joy that come along the ride

So maybe this time I wont lie to myself


Joy is not in going up

But coming down as fast as possible

And do it all over again

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