text 10:to hold on, let it go

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If you are the one who holds things too tight
Unable to release even when it didn’t feel right
And when your fingers started to ache
You thought it was worth the pain.

If you thought losing things, would make you lose a part of yourself
And you would become someone that doesn’t even recognize themselves.

Then let go of those who hurt you
Let go even if you can’t undo
All the words they hurl your way
When you are walking out of their doors, never to stay.

Just remember, even if words cut;
Wounds will heal and your tears will dry.
If you can’t change situations, let them go.

You can’t hold on to everything
Can’t show up for everyone every time
You pick your poison or your cure
Numbers that you know by heart, or
Those you don’t answer anymore

And when you drop that which you once held dear
Your soul becomes lighter instead of filled with fear
And then you realize some things aren’t meant to last longer
They arrive to teach you lessons you never knew you needed

Sometimes the things you are fighting for aren’t worth the cost
And not everything you lose is a real loss
So you continue driving on; knowing that without your past
You never would have so wondrously and ruthlessly arrived --- here.

And now as you drive along these roads
Reminisce to all times life nearly ran you off
But now your hand is steady and you realize
To hold on, you have to let go.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2023 ⏰

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