text7: if only

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They say, I am a

'Party girl, a sugercloud kisser,

Just a high class disappearing act'

Put the jeans in the washer,

Gusty October

Winds dancing through my hair.


Let me set the scene

It's interesting,

'Boy do I know you?'


Charming smile and crooked charm

I was out of time

Not out of harm.


If only,

You could consider this propitious

because I will

We could feel perfect...


If only

I was a party girl

Sugercloud kisser

Too overlooked for

Disappearing act...


If only

Staring across three tables

Songs hazy in our eyes

Stars across lights

we encode secret messages

Could you meet me at midnight?

Would be enough, maybe...

If only

If only


Everything feels quite perfect

Just not quite the same

One moment of weakness

Becomes strings of truth

Spilling out of my mouth

Voice hoarse and throat dry

I cry tears of regret

I write unpolished shit

Like frost kiss

Like ruptured hope

Like rhythm of time

Avoiding interstates in favor of back roads

Would you show up by the band room to hang out?

Or would you be still afraid on the lookout

Could things be different?

I didn't know what to say and you weren't saying anything

'Well it was a helluva night.' Well,

Damn right


Mountain Dew, mouth right next to my ear

I could feel the smile on my cheek

Buildings change extravagant exterior

It's the same shit inside

Painted window sills and dancing reflections

Paper girl swaddling through winding streets

Our strings of rusted time

Cascaded down as crusts of maroon...


But I was a Party girl, a sugercloud kisser,

Just an overloaded disappearing act

Inside your chest

Are you with someone else?

Is it just my angst

Or are you losing from me?

Put the jeans in the washer

Gusty October

Winds dancing in my hair

Through slashy rains...


If only

We were a scam,

To keep the wheel from falling

Mask to keep the facade burning

Hoax like the feelings I keep feeling for you.

Some words have more than one meaning

Meanings that become layered with passing years


If only your

Charming smile and crooked charm

Was enough

Could you meet me at midnight?

Staring across three tables

Songs hazy in our eyes

Stars across lights

Would be enough,

Maybe, if I wasn't

a Party girl, a sugercloud kisser,

Just an overloaded disappearing act

If only

If only

Could have been enough.


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