10. Help

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I jolt awake hours later, not knowing where I am.
My head feels like shit, and the leg I was limping on hurts like a motherfucker.
I'm in a large bed with white sheets and a heart rate monitor.

A hospital, of course, that's where I was going before I passed out.
"Hello?" I call out, hoping a nurse passing by would hear me. I look around, nobody is in the room with me.
'Where the fuck is Peter?' I think to myself, 'He was on the ambulance before I blacked out.'

I try to sit up, but fall back into the pillows, I'm too tired and too in pain to pull myself up.
I can hear footsteps outside the door of the room, and someone opens it up.
I freeze, praying to God the hospital didn't call my foster parents, and that's not one of them walking in.

"Luke! Oh my god!" Peter says, running up to hug me.
"I'm so glad you're ok!"
"Peter? What happened?" I ask confused, why was he so worried?
"Well, after you blacked out, the police went to your parents house to arrest them. Of course, neither of them were there, the car was missing and they said some of their clothes were obviously missing, so they assume they ran.

They're out there right now looking for them. As for you, the paramedics put you in a medically induced coma.
They said it was necessary for your health, and it would help with stress. They had to do an MRI to make sure you weren't bleeding internally anywhere, and thankfully you're not.

They also said they're not sure how you were walking, because your leg is broken and cracked in seven different ways.
On top of all that, you have a fractured wrist, a lot of cracks in your skull and a really bad concussion, and a couple fractured ribs."
He was having trouble explaining all of this, and keeping a straight face.

"I'm so sorry, Luke. I know I told you nobody would ever hurt you again, and I let this happen, I'm so sorry.
I don't know how badly he beat you, or how bad the...other things were...but he can't hurt you any more."
I start to notice the cast on my arm and leg, and the bruises all over my chest.

I use my good hand to feel my bare chest, over where most of the bruising is.
"It's not your fault." I say, my voice bland and dry. I really want some water.
"You couldn't have known. I didn't think he'd go that far."
"That doesn't make it ok."
"It also doesn't make it your fault."
"But it does make me feel guilty."
"Well, that's only making me feel guilty. It's not your fault, so stop feeling bad."

"But you're my boyfriend." Peter says, grabbing my hand.
"I'm supposed to worry about you."
I look into his eyes, the caramel brown irises filled with so much empathy, and care.
I smile, letting myself feel happy around him, even though in the back of my mind, all I want to do is cry.

"Peter. It's ok, I promise." I say, even though I feel like I should be telling myself this instead. I don't want the tears to come, I don't want to feel sad, but what Brady did to me can't be ignored.
My mind keeps directing its thoughts to the evil things that he did to me, and I can't let go. Not now, it only just happened.

"It's not ok." Peter shakes his head, but he's smiling anyway.
It's almost like he's urging me to cry, like he wants me to let it out.
But I don't want to, if I start crying I'm not sure when I'll be able to stop.
A couple of tears slip down my cheeks, and his parents walk in.

"Oh, honey!" Cassie says, hugging me gently. She's so soft and sweet, like honey, I guess that's why I feel so warm and safe around her. "Hey Luke, how you doing bud?" Mr. Jenkins asks from behind her, nodding his head.
"I'm doing better, thanks Mr. Jenkins." I say, even though a bunch of tears are streaming down my face at this point.

"You can call me Dan." He says, hugging me once Cassie's done. I accept the warm embrace, it makes me feel accepted, and wanted.
He pulls back from the hug, but doesn't even wear an awkward grin.
He's just so full of concern for me, and I feel so grateful towards both of them.

"Thank you guys, so much." I say, sniffing and wiping a few tears.
"Well, of course sweetheart!" Cassie says, her smile brightening on her face.
"We're just happy you're ok! Oh, and I don't know if anyone came in to tell you yet, but the police finally got him!"

"Really?" Peter asks, his attention turned to his mum.
"They caught him an hour or so ago, the car was parked in an alleyway and luckily, him and his wife were still inside." Dan explains, his expression twisting into an angry one.
"I'm just glad they caught the bastard!"
"Yeah, we all are." After Peter's comment, nobody talked for a while.

I kept sniffing and crying a bit while Peter comforted me, and his parents sat there waiting for a nurse or someone to come check on me.
Finally, a nurse does show, but not to tell us anything good.
"Unfortunately, Luke will have to stay here a few more days so we can monitor your ribs, and concussion.

If we send you home now, your condition could end up getting worse, or even life threatening. The doctor said you're going to have to stay in bed for a few more hours, then you can get up if you'd like.
Is there anything I can get you? Something to eat or drink?" She says, her tone is light. She seems very nice.

"Can I just get some water?" I ask politely, there are still tears on my face.
"Of course, honey." She says, starting to get up. "Wait, what did they say about letting us stay with him?" Cassie asks before she's gone.
The nurse sighs, "Well, they weren't to happy about letting someone who wasn't his immediate family stay with him, but they agreed to let one of you stay as overnight, the others can visit during regular visitation hours."

The nurse smiles again at our relieved faces before leaving to get my water.
"Good, Peter will stay." Dan says, nodding. Cassie looks like she wants to argue, and I don't blame her.
She's worried about me, but she knows Peter is going to worry too, and she can't let her son down like that.
It makes me sad, to see how much she cares for her son, and how I never really got that chance with mine.

I can't hold back the sobs that come with that sadness, so I sob into Peter's chest, with his parents around to comfort me.
It feels nice, to be loved, and accepted.

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