11. Hope (Epilogue)

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It's late at night, and Peter is sound asleep in the cot the hospital provided, but I can't sleep. I'm in a lot of pain, even with so much pain medication swirling through my brain it feels like the whole room is spinning. The monitors and IV stands aren't helping much with my sleep either. For some reason, my brain keeps tricking me into thinking there are moving shadows all across the room, and the constant footsteps and beeping outside the hospital room only add to the fear. I shudder and pull the blankets up closer to my face. I know hospitals are supposed to stay cold to help keep it sanitary, but it feels like I'm going to freeze. No, that's not it. I'm not cold, I am the cold. I can feel it in my veins, my very soul is giving very chilling, empty vibes. It feels as if someone stole my heart, and left it somewhere I'll never find it. My brain feels scattered in the ocean, even my mind is playing tricks on me. My thoughts swirl like the water of the waves, churning and twisting at extreme strengths, whisking me away into the deep, dark depths. Nothing could reach me here, no one can see me. 'Help' I think, even though I know nobody can hear me. But I feel something so suddenly, I'm immediately pulled away from that reality into the true world. Peter's hand tightened it's grip on my hand. 'He never let go' I think to myself, relieved and...happy? Me, Luke, I'm...happy? This is nice, and I don't want it to ever end. So, maybe I won't let it this time. Maybe, this time, I can be happy on my own, without needing help from anyone or anything. Maybe, I can find my own happiness. And i know exactly where to start.

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