Leslie - One

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It was a Friday afternoon and Leslie didn't have to work today, she decided to grab her PC out of her locker and head to Barnes & Noble finally the long week was over.

As she walked out of the old school building she turned on her phone, no messages. Good, mom was probably busy with yet another boyfriend.

Eventually she arrived and walked in, Kyle the usual cashier was behind the counter, he smiled at her as she walked by. Leslie usually hung out here, there was Starbucks, free WiFi, and no mom to bug her. She sat down in her usual corner of Starbucks area and opened her PC.

She left her things and went to go order the usual at Starbucks, only to find someone new working. She had to list everything she wanted in the drink before she went to sit down. She opened Pandora and plugged her ear buds in, she only put the left bud in so she could hear when they called her name. Although they never did.

As she looked up the boy standing next to her startled, she read his nametag, Ashton.

"Hello! Here's your coffee miss." he said with a obvious accent, where was he from?
"Um, thanks..." was all Leslie could mutter out.

He invited himself as he sat down in the chair across from her, she sighed. "I'm Ashton." he continued, obviously new.

"Hi, I'm Leslie." she said as cheerfully as she could, "do you need something?" she asked him impatiently, she only had so much time until she needed to be home.

"Uh," he hesitated, "I um no I'm gonna get back to my spot..." he trailed off as he stood up to leave. She told him goodbye and put her other earbud in turning the volume up.
10 minutes later her phone buzzed, it was Lily.

"Hey what's up? Wanna hang out later? I rented Big Hero 6 and I don't wanna watch it all alone :'( I will provide food..."

Leslie smiled, Lily and her were so close they might as well be attached at the hip. Lily had been Leslie's first friend at her new school and was thankful to have her.

She replied: "Sure! I'll be over in a bit, just need to finish this project real quick :)"

She typed a couple paragraphs before she put her art supplies away, not getting a chance to work on any art today was depressing but she had all day tomorrow.

Lily's house was only a few blocks from Barnes & Noble so Leslie just walked the 5 minutes there.

She walked in and smelled burnt popcorn, she smiled as she walked in the kitchen. "Yummm burnt popcorn." she said honestly, she loved the taste of burnt popcorn.

"Your disgusting," Lily groaned, "ugh get over here and help me, this bag is so hot!" she whined as she tossed Leslie the bag. She opened it and poured it into the bowl.

"Did you text your mom?" Lily asked concerned.

"Uh yeah I was just about to..." Leslie trailed off feeling guilty. She opened her phone and told her mom she would be at Lily's most of the night. It said 'Read' but she never got a reply, she was okay with that.

Lily grabbed the m&ms off the counter and walked into the living room, Leslie followed.

"Here dump the m&ms in." Lily ordered and Leslie did so. Lily set up the movie and they made comments thought out the whole thing, eventually it was over and they both sat there in the darkness for a bit talking.

"How old are you again Lez?" Lily asked.

"Um 13?" she answered honestly confused, "why?" She asked, Lily asked that question a lot.

"Just a wonderin'..." she answered, Leslie got the feeling she was hiding something but she shrugged it off.

They sat and talked until 10, then Lily offered to walk Leslie home, she didn't argue. She had learned Lily was a bit protective.

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