Jack - Eight

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(Jack's POV)

Jack was just as new to camp as Eli was but he actually knew how to talk to people. The only thing that made him mad is that even though he has been at camp for a few months now, he was still never claimed.

"Hey Jack can you give this new girl Leslie the Hermes cabin tour." Eli said nervously.

"Why can't you. Um... You also got the tour a few months back." He asked looking over the new girl, she was pretty...

"Because I have to redecorate my own cabin." Eli said.

"Fine but uh if it isn't redecorated by the next time I see it you will have to uh...do all of the Hermes cabin laundry on my day." Jack said with a smerk on his face.

"Deal." Eli said. Jack was sure that he was going to redecorate for real now.

"Uh... So now lets to proper introductions, my name is Jack and I have still not been claimed by my godly parent. Go ahead and laugh if you want." Jack said embarrased.

"Well my name is Leslie and I'm not sure what that means." Leslie said calmly with a bright smile on her face.

Jack started the tour. First he gave her a sleeping bag and a spot to sleep. Then he tried to introduce her to all of the Hermes cabin, but there were so many he stopped at about the twentieth person. After the tour of the cabin Jack took Leslie outside, but suddenly a horn was blown in the distance.

"That is for capture the flag one of the camps favorite games." Jack explained to Leslie, his cheeks burning. Secretly Jack liked Leslie but he was too embarased to tell her that.

On the way there Jack explained the rules of cature the flag to Leslie. He was just hoping that the Hermes cabin is not teamed up with the Ares cabin because if they lost they would all blame his cabin for not taking it seriously.


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