chapter 2

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(Not my art)

Roxie Pov:
After the twins left I couldn't stop thinking about the marriage "why would the Hitachiin's need our help? They're doing perfectly fine on their own".

No matter how long I thought about it I just couldn't figure it out.
Eventually I fell asleep dreading what's to come.

~~~~~~~Next Day~~~~~~~~~

I was woken up by my personal maid Aki. She was a sweet girl with messy black hair and sky blue eyes And pale skin.

She's new and a year younger than me. I made her my personal maid because she isn't afraid of my looks but instead is just a shy girl.

"M-miss Yusaki I h-have your uniform" she says setting down my new uniform, the male uniform top with black skirt and blueish purple stockings, on the end of my bed. I smiled at her "thank you Aki. You may go now" I told her politely. She bowed and walked out of my room.

I hurry and got dressed and brush my teeth and hair leaving it down before putting on red lip gloss and adding a small wing to my eye. I spray on a bit of my perfume on before leaving my room.

I head down the stairs and grab a piece of toast. I'm still a little upset with my parents so I decided not to eat with them today "aren't you going to eat with us n/n?" My father asks in a gentle voice "I don't want to be late for my first day" I said bitterly before heading to the limousine.

~~~~~~~at ouran~~~~~~~~

Once I arrived at Ouran I saw a pair of copper headed twins with annoyed looks. My driver helped me out before driving away "so why are you here?" I asked the twins "we go here" Hikaru said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes "no I mean why are you standing in front of the school like morons instead of going in" I said annoyed.

They rolled their eyes "we-" Kaoru began but I walked past them decidong I wasn't really interested. I heard them scoff before following after me. The moment I took a step into the building people were already avoiding me like the plague.

I won't lie, it made me upset "I didn't decide to look like a vampire" I mumbled so nobody would hear me but unbeknownst to me the twins did.

I could hear the whispered insults and judging eyes so I hung my head and clutched my bag. "Its rude to stare" Hikaru said to the students suprising me and the others "mind your own business" Kaoru said surprising everyone even more. I never lifted my head until I felt them both go to one of my sides so I was between them.

We walked to our lockers, that were thankfully next to each other, in silence "why'd you do that?..." I asked grabbing my stuff and putting away my bag. "A thank you would be nice" Hikaru said but I just gave him a blank stare. Kaoru understood "only we're aloud to insult you" "nobody but us got it." They explained and I nodded.

Something about that made me feel warm inside but I wouldn't admit that to them. We headed to first hour and I remembered something I did earlier "hurry up. Teach is about to find my little gift" I said with a mischievous smile. That caught their attention so we sped up making it to class before the teacher.

I smirked and pointed to a small unoticable button behind the teachers podium before dragging the twins to the back. I snickered as students began to come in "what's the button do" the twins ask quietly as we sit down in a spot that'll give us a nice view but won't be suspicious.

"You'll come to learn my love for a good prank" I said as the teacher walked in. My smirk grew as he stepped on the button opening a trap door above him covering him in white glue and bright pink glitter. The twins looked at me with wide eyes as the class started laughing "how?" They both asked and I smirked.

'This will be an interesting year'

Mrs. Hitachiin (Hikaru and Kauro x reader)Where stories live. Discover now