Chapter 9: A Trip to City Hall

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Some time has passed since Homura introduced the other girls of the Holy Quintet. The Doppel system has been catching on throughout the world as magical girls adapted the system. The girls have also taken the action to recruit magical girls from other towns, districts and countries to join the eventual fight against Walpurgisnacht. However, plane flights to and from Mitakihara have been suspended due to a forecasted "severe storm;" this storm, in reality, is Walpurgisnacht approaching the city. Not only would this prevent magical girls from coming into Mitakihara, but also non-magical people as well, such as military personnel from other countries. To combat this issue, all of the girls that Homura met in both cities came together in Mitakihara to convince the people in Mitakihara City Hall to let people come into the city, despite the approaching "storm."

Sayaka: I didn't even know that there was a City Hall building.
Kyoko: This area's usually pretty deserted, so not a lot of people know about this place.
Homura: How did you know about it, Kyoko?
Kyoko: When you're constantly traveling and hopping from place to place in the city, you're bound to find something unusual, something rare, or in this case, something relatively unknown. Plus, plenty of towns and cities have these central Hall buildings.
Mami: This plan of theirs to block anyone from coming into the city until the storm, or Walpurgisnact, passes was planned for a while now, so I'm not sure how we're going to convince them to cancel or reverse their decision somehow.
Momoko: We'd probably need someone important to help us.
Kaede: Someone important...Wait! I have an idea.

The girls turned their attention away from City Hall and over to Kaede.

Kaede: Rena is able to transform into different people. If she changed into a woman who looks like they work at City Hall, then maybe they'll believe us.
Momoko: Good idea!
Rena: Wait, hold on a second.
Kaede: What is it, Rena?
Rena: I'm not against the plan per se, do we know that I won't get caught?
Momoko: I doubt they'll be able to see beyond your disguise. Your transformations into other people are seamless. And if it still doesn't work out, Homura can freeze time and move you out of there.
Homura: I'll need my time shield for that.
Touka: Oh! That reminds me. Here's your shield, Homura.
Homura: Thank you. Does this mean that your time capsule is complete?
Touka: It is.
Nemu: But let's focus on the task at hand first.
Homura: Good idea.
Mami: I don't think non-magical people can see what we can see. They can't see Kyubey, witches, familiars or labyrinths. How will we convince them that all of this is real?
Homura: Hmm...that's tough.
Touka: Oh! What about Memori?
Memori: M-Me?
Touka: I've kinda had this theory in my head regarding the Doppel system. Magical girls are able to connect with each other for attacking and defeating witches easier. Since a Doppel can be seen as a magical girl's doppelganger, a magical girl might be able to connect with another's Doppel.
Mitama: Oh yeah. Memori's Doppel showed us memories of her life. Maybe it can do the same with other magical girls and their lives. Homura, you might be best for this since you've seen this tradegy and Walpurgis Night time and time again.
Homura: I suppose it could work. Like Mami said, while people can't see the things that we can see as magical girls, they should still be able to see us.
Mami: Oh yeah. When I saved a woman from a witch's kiss that could've led to her death, they could still see me as a magical girl.
Touka: Then the doppelgangers should be visible to civilians, too. At least if they're outside of any labyrinth.
Kyoko: The window of the mayor's office should be facing the same direction as the entrance, or where we are now. Once Rena is in there, she could direct him to the window and we can show him Homura's memories via Memori's Doppel while they're connecting.
Rena: Ok. I'll text you and that'll be your cue to have Memori let her Doppel out and connect.

Rena then turns around towards the City Hall entrance, takes a deep breath, and transforms into a woman who looks like she works or might work there.

Rena: Ok. Here goes nothing.

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