𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟕

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Y/n stood there, her gaze locked on the woman before her, disbelief etched across her face. Her heart churned with a mixture of emotions, primarily hatred. She couldn't believe that her mother had decided to show up now, after all that had transpired. It was as if her father's actions alone weren't enough to shatter her life; now, her mother had joined in to further complicate things.

All Y/n had ever wanted was her parents' love and care, but instead, they had chosen to destroy her happiness and stability. With a swift and determined motion, she turned on her heels, her intention clear: to leave this suffocating place behind and find solace and happiness elsewhere.

"Y/n, my baby, where are you going?" her mother called out, her voice tinged with concern as she watched her daughter walk away.

The room's occupants had varied reactions, ranging from amusement to sadness to disbelief.

"Mr. Kim, what was that disrespectful behavior from your daughter?" the other woman in the room remarked, having embraced her crying wife.

"It's complicated, Ms. Kim," Namjoon responded, his tone hinting at the gravity of the situation. "Well, we have time, and we'd like to know about everything in 'detail," she continued, leaving no doubt that a serious conversation was imminent.

Silence fell upon the room, a heavy and foreboding hush after the weighty exchange.

Jungkook and Kevin couldn't help but shed tears as they came to terms with the mistakes they had made, realizing the extent of the neglect they had shown their daughter over the years.

Neglecting their own flesh and blood had consequences, consequences that had bred hatred within their daughter's heart and mind. While other children spent time with their parents, Y/n had often been left alone in the mansion as her parents indulged in their affairs, forsaking their responsibilities as parents.

Many parents fail to comprehend the lasting impact of neglect on their children. Y/n had yearned for attention and affection from her parents, but it was a desire that had gone unfulfilled. Each time she won a competition, her hopeful glances at the door, anticipating her parents' arrival, were met with disappointment. They never came.

During the times she fell sick, burning with fever, she waited for her parents to take care of her, but they were too preoccupied with their lovers to notice. Even during their divorce and subsequent remarriages, they neglected to involve her or discuss how such events might affect her life and mental well-being.

In her darkest hours, when a child most needed her parents' support, Y/n found herself alone. The question echoed in her mind: "Am I even someone to them?"

The room was filled with unspoken tension and regret, as they all grappled with the consequences of their actions and the broken bonds that had once held their family together.

This narrative highlights the profound impact of parental neglect on a child's emotional and mental well-being, shedding light on the importance of parental involvement and support in a child's life.
Can anyone relate to this?
Because I definitely can-

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