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I woke up and got out of bed. me and Colleen aren't all that close. I decided to just leave a note on the fridge since she wasn't awake yet.

hey... leaving early, sorry but I have to go and be free! Lol but I promise I'll see you soon!!!

I left it on the fridge and walked out the door.

I put my bag back on my back and penny boarded down to the beach. I sat down on a large rock.

someone sat down next to me and I looked at them. It was my little Tyler Oakley.

"why are you here alone?" He asked. "no reason, I wasn't with the boys today or yesterday... I'm just kinda wondering." I replied.

"that's boring." he said nudging me with his elbow. "hey! Think of it more as an adventure." I said.

tyler could cheer anyone up when their down.

"I guess that sounds kinda cool... so, you get a job yet?" He said starting a convo. "nope but I was thinking about being a youtuber." I said wondering.

he jumped up excited. "I could so help you!" He grabbed my wrist and started leading me somewhere.

"we will be starting your new job today, lets go to the store and get some supplies for a challenge." he seemed extremely excited. it was funny.

"also we can do a video on my channel! We can die my hair!" He said getting more excited by the second.

we got to the store and got a bunch of sauces. I was a excited but scared at the same time.

I also bought hair die for Tyler. I chose a color and wouldn't let him see it. he can't know until it's in his hair.

right now his hair is light brown an it's gonna be a change.

..........Guys I now there's like a lot of chapters but it's bc there short!!! Comment how many chapters this story should be...

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