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[ 058 ]

Date: December 24, 2011
From: slowbreaths@email.com
To: sophiaflowers@email.com
Re: i miss you :(


it's christmas eve. merry christmas (in advance) to you and your family!

i want to say sorry, but i feel like that's what i always say. still, i'm sorry. for not e-mailing as often.

i'm not sure if it's right to say this over email but . . . being in school is hard for me. since i was in the first grade, i've always been picked on by the other kids in class.

i hoped it'd be different this year. but it wasn't.

it's lonely without you here, sophia. i don't know what you saw in me that summer we went home but i guess, you made me see that i was worthwhile. if that makes sense. no one's ever told me i was pretty before. or appreciated my art or the picnic spreads, or my paints. but you noticed them all.

i miss you. i don't really have friends here and it sucks.

sana nandito ka na lang din.

i'm not sure how often i'll write. we're a bit busy because my moms' wedding is in january and lots of relatives are coming over.

it's not that pleasant. and my mom fights with her mom all the time because she doesn't like mommy angie.

anyway, i do hope your days are better than mine. and i'm sorry if this wasn't too coherent. i didn't think about what i was writing too much. i just wanted to talk to you.

still yours,

Picnics by the RiverTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon