A Surprising Discovery

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Hermione looked up to find James walking towards her. He smiled as she looked up, a look of triumph was etched on his face.

"It is so good to see you again, my dear."

The look on her face was murderous, "What did you want."

James had a look of mock concern, "Why, I just wanted to check on how you were doing. Is it illegal to care for you now?"

"Just tell me why you asked me here."

"Fine, it's time to take things a step further. Everyone knows you dumped Potter, now it's time to announce why we are going public."

"Why? I don't want to date you, I hate you!"

"Now now, you know that is not true, it has been your dream to date me, right?" He said with a cold smile.

Harry was still sitting in the corner, invisible, shaking in anger.

"After all, remember, I will kill Potter if you don't listen, if you don't do as I say. Don't make me angry." James said quietly.

Hermione began to cry, "Please, he has nothing to do with this, I broke up with him like you asked, just let him be."

Harry's blood ran cold. This is why she had broken up with him. She had broken his heart to save him. She still loved him. All of this dawned on him at once. Harry went to stand but caught himself at the last moment. He needed to be careful, no one knew he was here, but she was too close, and she could still get hurt. He needed to decide, and fast.

Suddenly James' eyes flashed murderously, "This has everything to do with him! I am better than him, don't you see? I have taken everything from him, and slowly I will show you how worthless he is. You just need a little encouragement." His voice changed, "It's okay, you are still a little shaken up and you're still blinded by his spell. Most people are, but you're special. And with my help, soon you'll see him for what he is."

"What do you mean?" Hermione asked.

"Imperio," James whispered.

Hermione's eyes glazed over; her body relaxed. Harry gasped silently at the use of an unforgivable curse.

"I know I haven't used that spell on you in a while, I was hoping we were past it. But, Harry is quite the wizard, he really has put a tough spell on you, it has its claws tight on you. But like I said, just a little bit of work and time, and I will have you freed from him.

Now, tomorrow morning, you will meet me outside the Gryffindor Common Room at seven and we will go to breakfast, and then after breakfast, I will walk you to class. We can walk to lunch together and by that time, everyone should be aware of our new relationship. Everyone will be talking about the new celebrity couple!"

Hermione just nodded.

"Now give me a kiss goodnight, and you can go on to bed."

Hermione stood and gently pressed her lips against James'. Harry's blood boiled as he watched them kissing, almost sending a barrage of spells at him. Somehow, Harry kept his composure.

Harry watched as she slowly drifted out the door and up the stairs. James stayed for a moment, looking pleased with himself.

"He will never know what hit him," James whispered excitedly before leaving the room. Harry was left all alone.

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