Chapter 31 - Aria

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Authors note: Sorry for the long wait. Got super busy for the past month. Hope you enjoy this chapter, I had a lot of fun writing it :)

"Hey, have you heard?" A female student asked while walking with her friends.

"Heard what?" The girl walking next to her turned to face her, a half eaten piece of bread stuffed in her mouth.

"About the new student."

The girl gave her friend a puzzled look, "No, I didn't know we had a new student."

"Yeah, apparently he's a Frenzel."

The girl chocked on her bread, "A Frenzel? That's not possible." She wiped at her mouth, crumbs falling onto the ground.

"Yeah the Frenzel's only have two children." The last girl in the group, walking slightly behind the other two, spoke up, her head still in the book she was reading.

"That's what I originally thought as well, but when I was walking past the Dean's office I happened to catch a glimpse of him and let me tell you he is most definitely a Frenzel."


"Hmm, isn't it odd though. I mean, why would the Frenzel household hide that they have another son? Wouldn't they be proud of that fact?"

The girl touched her chin lightly with the piece of bread, "Mhm. Maybe he was sick or something?"

"Sick? Do you even hear yourself." She laughed though it sounded more like a scoff.

"Yeah, you're right. A Frenzel being sick is practically impossible. Then what do you think?"

"I think there must have been a reason for him to be hidden. Maybe his unique ability is too powerful or perhaps he has an odd look like his sister." She pointed to her eye, a wicked gleam in her eyes.

"Hahaha, right! If that really happened a second time, then the Frenzel household would be the laughing stock of the Kingdom."

"Yeah, one odd eye and the entire Kingdom questioned their lineage. Imagine if they had two children with oddities, it would be a disaster." The group of girls giggled amongst one another as they made their way to their next class, unaware of the burning gaze coming from behind them.

Aria always knew that her one blue eye was a stain to the Frenzel name, but after awakening her unique ability and proving her worth as a Frenzel she had thought that the small oddity would become a talk of the past. How wrong she had been.

It didn't matter how much she proved herself. There would always be those who doubted her pure lineage.

She ignored the girl's gossip and closed her eyes. Focusing she reached out, picking through all the strings until she came across the dull gray string of her useless brother. It had always been easy to find, the pitch black string used to stand out amongst the brightly colored strings. Even now, with the new gray color it was still easy to find. Though lately she had been noticing the smallest changes to the string.

She frowned. She had always been diligent when it came to her unique ability. She made sure to use it at least once a day, but she had been careless and missed the slight changes in her brother's string. Was this the first time it happened? Or the second? She gritted her teeth in aggravation and anger.

She would never know.

She grasped the dull string with little hesitation, smirking when she noticed the brightly swirling red and black flaming string next to it. It seemed her two brothers were next to each other.

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