Chapter 35 - Small creature

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Author's note: A little early on this update: ) Though it is a little shorter than normal, I hope you enjoy!

Aether vaguely comprehended the small cursing coming from his window as they walked into the forest. He knew that he should have said something before leaving, but knowing how the Frenzel household is, he knew better than to try. In all the scenarios he could think of, he would be dragged back into the mansion and placed under strict supervision until Nox was "dealt" with. Robbing him of the opportunity to see the creature.

And he just couldn't have that.

Nox must have also known that his family was coming after them. He walked at a brisk pace, only slowing down when he got too far ahead.

The trees around them had grown denser and Aether could no longer see his home when he looked behind him. Though, he did not worry about getting lost because Nox seemed confident in where he was going.

The time they spent walking was done so in silence. Although Nox was a couple steps in front of him, he would stop every now and then and glance behind him to make sure that he was still following.

Although Nox made no move to speak, the silence was not awkward, but rather comfortable. Aether found out early on that when he was in the presence of the other Princes he often felt suffocated if not repressed by their presence alone. Although bearable, the feeling only got worse when they used their abilities, but around Nox it was different. It was calming and relaxing, even when he was using his abilities, not once did Aether feel suffocated.

Aether let out a small gasp as he barely stopped himself from running straight into Nox's back. He wasn't sure when Nox came to a stop, but he was glad because that meant they were likely close to the creature.

Nox stood still, he looked both ways before turning right. Aether followed closely, watching as Nox kneeled down and began to remove foliage that was hiding an entrance to a small cave.

At first Aether stood a little bit behind him, but after some careful consideration he took a couple steps back. He wasn't sure what type of creature Nox had found and he was afraid that his presence would frighten the creature.

Nox lowered himself until his face was inches away from the ground and reached into the cave. He shuffled a bit and a small noise, like the sound of a kitten calling out, resounded in the small clearing. It wasn't loud and if he wasn't listening he would have easily missed it.

Nox shuffled a bit as he stood up. His arms bent in awkward angles as if it was his first time trying to carefully hold something so small. When he turned around Aether could see just how uncomfortable Nox was in holding such a thing.

Nox's entire body was stiff. His face was tense, with his nose scrunched up and his lips pursed. He gazed with concentrated eyes at the small creature wiggling in his arms.

'Has he never held a small living creature before?'

It was an odd thought because Nox had younger brothers and a little sister, giving him enough opportunities to hold an infant, but still watching Nox clumsily handle such a small living creature only confirmed Aether's theory that he had never held such small creatures before.

"Can I hold it?" Aether reached out, his eyes focusing on the small creature.

Nox didn't hesitate in handing over the creature. He stuffed it into Aether's arms and dusted off his hands.

Aether had never seen such a creature before, only reading about them in books. Its body was small just like kittens or puppies would be, but it had scales like a snake and small wings sprouting from its back. Immediately he knew it was a dragon, but the more he looked at it the more strange it appeared to be.

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