An average cruise

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Hi! I will be your narrator. I'll save the rest for later, for now let's meet a great mind named paintbrush!

Paintbrush is an amazingly brilliant scholar on their way to their hometown after a few years of college. But oh! What do we have over here? Let's take a look.

It seems to be someone under cover. What! Could it be? Is that the #10th most wanted thief? The one and only lightbulb! My oh my..I wonder what'll happen here. Let the story continue, and let's see for ourselves!...

It was a beaUTIFUL day! Sun shining, water glistening, birds chirping, people talking, waves waving. Paintbrush is down on the shore near the boarding dock. It seems that their getting their belongings for the trip, I mean it will be a couple month ride. "Sigh That should be the last of my luggage, now to transport it onto the boat. But- how am I gonna get everything up there that would take ages!" They groaned.

Meanwhile a cloaked stranger saw this. This stranger had heard about their target and paintbrush was it. The stranger decided to help

"Ugh by the time I get a quarter of these in the boat it'll already be gone!" Paintbrush said. Paintbrush was thinking but was interrupted by someone saying

"Hey, need some help?" The stranger said pulling off their hood and showing a bright friendly smile.

"Oh. Yes actually! That would help a lot!" Paintbrush answered. So the stranger did. Soon all the luggage was on the boat.

"Thanks for the help-" paintbrush got cut off "just call me lightbulb," the stranger said. The stranger Newly known as lightbulb had been given a file full of info on paintbrush. She read and knew that during college they didn't pay attention to the news or thief's on the loose, so she didn't have to worry about them noticing.

"Oh, well nice to meet you Lightbulb my names paintbrush!" They held their hand out for a handshake after answering.

Lightbulb excepted the handshake

"Well I better get on the boat! Don't wanna miss my ride! Maybe see you if I visit again?" They said

"Oh well I'm on this ride as-well! So I guess I'll see you soon." Lightbulb answered. And so the adventures begin.

Adventure Coastline | an inanimate insanity auWhere stories live. Discover now