Chapter One

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Alfred opened his eyes, yawning as he squinted from the morning light seeping from behind his blinds. He sat up and looked at the clock, seeing he only had a half an hour before he was supposed to check in for work. He sneezed and rubbed his nose, feeling his allergies creeping up on him.
He groaned and grabbed his glasses and got up, only in a shirt and boxers. Today, he would be starting a new shift with his buddy, Ivan. He had been working at the pizza delivery for a while and he had slowly made friends with a few people, like Francis, a Frenchman who worked mainly at the cashier, while sometimes bickering with Arthur, a Brit who answered helped answer phonecalls and make pizza. Meanwhile, Alfred and Ivan delivered pizza.
Ivan was a soft spoken man, while Alfred being the one who mainly made conversation with him since, for some reason, no one else really made contact with the Russian. Alfred just assumed it was just because of his height or something like that.
He quickly pulled on his uniform and hurried downstairs, seeing his Canadian roommate, Matthieu, sitting at the table. Matt looked up at Alfred, fixing his glasses and smiled a little. He handed him a piece of toast with jam on it and a mug filled with coffee. Matt was quiet and very polite, the complete opposite of Al. He smiled, taking the toast and mug. "Thanks, Mattie."
Matt sighed and nodded, pushing his glasses further up his nose and continued to look at the newspaper in front of him. "Have a good day at work."
Alfred grinned and nodded, hurrying out the door. He rusher back in again after he was already halfway to the car, grabbing his keys. He could hear Matt on the phone, talking with his loud German friend. He could also hear Mattie giggling and he poked his head into the living room, smirking.
"Gilbert, huh?"
Mattie turned quickly and frowned, blushing in embarrassment. "Hey! Get to work!"
Alfred laughed and hurried back out the door.
He quickly ate his toast on his way to the car and unlocked his car. He got into his small car. It wasnt the nicest car, but it got him to and from work easily. Ivan had a nicer car than him, making him a little bit jealous.
He eventually made it to work in time and hurried in, still drinking the coffee. He pulled on the apron and ran into the kitchen, after setting his mug in the break room.

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