Chapter 1

868 44 19

Maia POV

I tried to swerve but I couldn't I got crashed by a truck I guess that's what happens when you text and drive as I was breathing heavily I reached for my phone and typed I love you in my family group chat and everything went black instead of me waking up as a spirit I woke up wearing a white dress (dress above^^)

"Okay the dress is beautiful but what am I doing here" I asked completely no one since I was all dark and the only place that had light was were I was standing

"Well because your dead" a voice said in boredom

"Yeah I kind of figured that out"I said in a duh tone was he stupid or what.

"So why did you ask?" The voice spoke again.

"Because I can" I said simply and shrugged my shoulders.

"Wow okay moving on your gonna be reborn into a fictional universe anyone you would like to go to you can go" the voice spoke.

"Uh why me?" I asked in. Confusion I was sure as hell I didn't do anything good in my past time instead if good in your language is staying in your room wearing pj's all day and watching Netflix then maybe I did do good.

"Well once you prayed to Hades god of the dead god of the underwor-" the voice said but I cut it off.

"Yeah it was partly a joke because I was very high and drunk" I said .

The voice groaned in frustration "would you please stop interrupting me when I speak" the voice said.

"Yeah okay sorry" I said not even meaning it.

"You don't even mean it" the voice said.

"It's not like your the one talking to a god you can't even see, how do I know this isn't just a hallucination" I said defensively.

"Your Soo dramatic" the voice said

"Yay you finally noticed" I said sarcastically.

"I like you your extreme,badass,weird, badshit crazy-" the voice said but I cut him off....again

"Yeah yeah I know I am awesome now can we skip to the universe part" I said completely bored.

"Stupid human you cant stop interrupting me can't you"the voice said in irritation

I smiled proudly at least I haven't lost my touch even when I am dead "yes" I replied bluntly

The voice sighed

"Your gonna be reborn in fictional universe where things you knew as myths or fairytales are true-" the voice said but I interrupted again.

"Wait wait hold up this is not gonna be like those books where someone gets reincarnated and can't change a thing so she has to go on with the person's lines is it if it is oh hell na Id rather pack my bags and go to hell and before you ask I already knew I was gonna go to hell since well I haven't done good" I ranted .

"SHUT UP AND LISTEN"the voice said

And smiled it sounded so dominant it's quite sexy if you ask me. I immediately shut up.

"Now before you interrupted me I was gonna say ofcourse you can change things but not too much also we will send you to the universe you were supposed to be in, in the first place, your appearance will change of course but some of your body parts will be the same"the voice said.

"Will you tell me where I am going" I said.

"Nope" the voice said

"Give me a hint then" I Said

"There will be supernatural" the voice.

I started squealing wow I never thought I would do that but death has done a number on me

"But I won't be human there it just can't happen" I Said I'd rather jump of a Clif then be born as a human in a supernatural town.

"Fine fine I will make you half demon half angel and half witch you good with that" the voice said.

"Yeah I am fine with it now send me to this universe I am bored of talking with you" I said suddenly my body was shooting in pain as fire surrounded me is suddenly got closer to me and to my body I fucking scream

"I didn't say it wouldn't hurt" the voice said

"FUCK YOU!"after that everything went black.


When I opened my eyes again I was standing in front of a familiar blond who was she.

",Bella are you okay you kind of spaced out there" a worried voice said  then I remembered about being reborn IF SHE IS CALLING NE BELLA THAT MEANS I AM IN TWILIGHT SERIOUSLY WITH SPARKLY TAMPONS UGH!.

"I am fine mom" even saying that sounded weird I went up stairs and found a mirror I looked at it and saw I looked like bella swan but I was more curvy my breasts where bigger also her chocolate brown eyes changed into a dark brown that made them look almost black her brown hair had strips of my bronze hair as if she had gotten highlights I won't lie I looked beautiful.

Well if I remember correctly I am going to forks oh well let the games begin also I need books to write everything I remember about all the twilight movies which is a lot since i was obsessed with it in my previous life mostly when I would trash talk the vampires about being sparkly tampons and bella about having the personality of a dry wall and always being desperate about not aging like bitch come on.

First chapter
945 words
Love ya guys Soo much I hope you like it

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