Chapter 2

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Sakura played with the pencil she held as she looked around. The hospital wasn't a big one, they couldn't provide her with a room of her own so she was using Shizune's own for the time being.

Sighing, she dropped the pencil on the wooden table. It had been two weeks since she had started her research here but she hadn't made any progress. It was like Sasuke and Naruto were one being and they didn't let anyone decode their enigma. Aside from that, what she had started feeling for Sasuke was growing as the days passed by. She knew that it was immoral, she knew that a doctor should never have such feelings for a patient and if said patient was a mentally ill one, Sakura could get expelled without even starting her job.

But she couldn't help it.

Sasuke was so handsome, even more, mysterious than Naruto. He didn't have many problems in her opinion. He could pass for a normal person among the crowd even. But Shizune didn't agree with her.

Sighing yet again, Sakura straightened as she heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" She called immediately.

A nurse opened the door and smiled at her before letting Naruto and Sasuke inside.

Naruto skipped his feet inside with a huge smile and Sasuke entered right after him. They were holding hands and Menma was clutched to Naruto's chest as always.

"Hello, Sakura!" Naruto chirped.

"Hello," Sakura replied.

As much as Sasuke was silent, Naruto was that much more outgoing. He made friends so easily.

Sasuke only grunted in acknowledgment as the two sat down on the couch across from the desk.

"How are you today?" Sakura asked.

"Good!" Naruto replied immediately. "Menma's also good!"

"That's nice," Sakura commented.

She gazed at Sasuke and saw him watching Naruto keenly. His dark eyes were focused on the petite blonde, making Sakura wonder what he was thinking.

"So, Sasuke," Sakura cleared her throat. "Let's talk about your family today."

Sasuke didn't open his mouth. He moved his arm so he had Naruto pressed against his chest.

"You have parents and a big brother, right?" Sakura asked, knowing that she needed to take the words out of his mouth.

Sasuke didn't open his mouth. He moved his arm so he had Naruto pressed against his chest.

"You have parents and a big brother, right?" Sakura asked, knowing that she needed to take the words out of his mouth

"Yes!" Naruto answered instead of him. "We have Itachi-nii-san! He always comes to visit us. Even brings presents!"

"That's so nice of him," Sakura smiled. "So you like him?"

"I love him!" Naruto answeredimmediately. "Sasuke does too!"

Nodding, Sakura took notes quickly.

"What of his parents?" Sakura asked.

Naruto frowned as he thought. "I can't... I can't remember them."

Sasuke buried his fingers in Naruto's hair and leaned his head against his chest. He caressed those golden locks for a while and then placed his hand over his ear.

"We don't talk about parents," Sasuke said with a glare after making sure Naruto wouldn't hear them.

Sakura blinked. "Why?"

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