Chapter 3

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Sakura nibbled her lips furiously as she spaced the room up and down. Where did she go wrong? This was the best solution. Yet...

She stopped and looked at Naruto's limp form lying on his bed. His eyes were half-lidded and he hadn't moved an inch since yesterday's separation. It was like he was in a coma. He wasn't responding to anything.

Letting out a sigh, Sakura kneeled beside the bed. "Naruto?"

He didn't even blink.

"Naruto, come on," Sakura slapped the unresponsive blonde's cheek gently. The result was the same. She sighed as she stood up. "This is ridiculous."

Seeing that she had no chance with Naruto, Sakura decided to see how Sasuke was doing. The dark-haired man was residing in the observation room now so maybe Sakura could study his behavior without his interruption.

Nodding to herself, she left thirty-seven after ordering a nurse to watch over Naruto.

The observation room was on the other side of the hospital and it was different from the other rooms. It was mostly used when a new patient came to the hospital. A side of the room was glass and it let the staff see inside without being seen thanks to the mirror-like material.

When she arrived there, she found personnel watching the room with a worried expression.

Blinking, Sakura stood beside him and her eyes widened at the sight.

Sasuke was standing in the middle of the room and he was glaring at the mirror as if he could see the people behind it. His head was covered with dried blood and the left side of his face was bruised darkly. His hands were still bleeding and his arms were covered with different-sized bruises.

"Wh-What happened?" Sakura asked fearfully.

"The expected," The man said pointedly.

"What do you mean?" Sakura scoffed.

"Have you seriously paid attention to Sasuke's case?" The man asked. "They need each other."

"They are toxic to the other," Sakura hissed.

"They are each other's sanity in this insane world," He said. "You don't understand anything."

Sakura scoffed. "What are you talking about?"

"Sasuke did this to himself," The man said.

Sakura's eyes widened and she shrieked as Sasuke run to the metal door fastly.

"He's trying to break it down," He said impassively.

"B-But it's impossible!" Sakura shouted. "We have to stop him."

"If you go in there he'll kill you," The nurse said calmly. "He won't hesitate even a moment."

Sakura bit her lips worriedly. "Wh-What I'm going to do?"

The man looked at her as if she had gone crazy. Shaking his head with a sigh, he left the room, leaving Sakura alone.

Sakura knew that she needed to help Sasuke, but how? She was scared. Scared of a patient and the man she liked.

Her eyes widened as Sasuke walked to the glass and stood right before Sakura as if seeing her behind.

"You can't take him from me," Sasuke hissed. "No one can. Prepare for the nightmare."

Sakura shivered and turned around, running out of the room as fast as she could.


Shizune walked into her hospital with a smile. It was finally springtime and the garden of the hospital had turned all green once again.

When she entered inside, she was expecting to hear joyful sounds of the patients but she heard nothing. It was silent. Too silent to be good. She walked to the main saloon and saw that most of her patients were inside, spending their time as usual. But unlike normal, they were all silent.

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