1. Trouble

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wonderwoman1941 f480city jaeger_sjjv moondreamland wanted some Margaery and some Cersei (not together) and wonderwoman1941 wanted some Witcher. So here we go!

daisydukes2015 you commented something not to long ago on False God that got me thinking... I hope you read this.

And someone requested Oberyns daughter but I didn't screenshot it so I don't remember who you are and Im sorry but thank you for the suggestion!


''This place is so sparkly.'' Oceana remarked.

"Quite different from that cave in the free cities where you learned your skills." Oberyn countered smiling down at his daughter.

'Kaer Morhan was a sanctuary this place...'' Oceana corrected

''Don't cause too much trouble.'' Oberyn instructed

"Trouble? Me? Never. It's like you don't know me at all father.'

'I know you too well that is why I'm telling you-'' oberyn told her as she walked away. 'Hey where are you going? Where are you going? Come back don't do that, Oceana! Don't do that-'

''You have your fun and I'll have mine." Oceana said innocently.  "Father don't worry I'm just gonna go say hello to our queen to be I hear she's quite the beauty."


"Love you!" She called as she marched off.

"She is certainly your daughter." Ellaria remarked

"Geralt is coming." Oberyn muttered.

"Oh," Ellaria said happily.

"No, Oh." Oberyn said immediately. Geralt was Oceana's half brother, they shared a mother, Visenna and a witcher blood lust. Oberyn was proud of his daughter making something of herself, following her path but Geralt and her were trouble and people called Oberyn the red viper. Witchers were worse, or better depending on who you asked.

Taken in as children, witchers-to-be are subjected to intense alchemical processes, consumption of mutagenic compounds, and relentless physical and magical training to make them dangerous and highly versatile against their vast array of opponents, many of which possess superhuman speed, strength and other deadly powers. These procedures ultimately mean that each fully-trained witcher is a mutant built specifically to hunt and kill any inhuman prey.

Oceana met Geralt when she ventured  across the narrow sea, she had read about witchers and wanted to be the first female witcher. Geralt was on the same path but where Geralt was tall and muscled, Oceana was shorter like her mother, but defined muscles from years of training with Oberyn in dorne. He supported her journey but didn't expect her to make such a name for herself. Oceana of Dorne.

She was constantly told that being a woman she wouldn't survive that training, she was weak and most men didn't survive the years of experiments, but Oceana knew herself better. She knew she could handle the torture.

There were permanent results of witcher mutations shared by all witchers sterility so they couldn't breed to pass on their traits. Cat-like eyes that grant very acute night vision - witchers can constrict their pupils to see in blinding light or open them to see in near pitch darkness. There night vision can be further enhanced with the cat potion, but in general, it is good enough by itself to not require further enhancement. Their entire sensory system is overall enhanced, allowing them to identify the species of animal from the scent of their blood, and detect nearby beings even when out of sight.

Another benefit to the transformation was a tremendous resistance to disease, in most cases complete immunity and a boosted immune system, allowing them to consume large quantities of potions that could prove easily deadly if consumed even in small amounts by a normal man.

Their potions were used to help advance their skills, hone in on certain traits, clear their focus on the target at hand.

Exceptionally increased strength, speed, reflexes, and endurance, far beyond any normal or well-trained human, that allows them to swiftly end fights with minimal effort, and perform physical feats non-witchers couldn't hope to match, even a man the size and strength of the Cleganes...

A witcher's physical skills alone are sufficient to defeat most monsters single-handedly if combined with extensive training and proper weaponry, whereas regular men could only hope to accomplish this in large groups. Witchers have also been shown to shrug off hits that would normally render normal men unconscious.

That was were Oceana struggled at first. Her small build a hit from a man two hundred pounds larger than her dropped her when she was first training. But the bruises made her stronger. Every hit she got stronger. She got back up spitting the blood from her mouth as she let out a hot breath, gripping her blade tighter.

All her teachers saw that she was advancing, she was fighting, she was getting strong. While other men died of experiments or dropped out unable to take the pain. This little spit of a girl kept getting up. Kept fighting, Oceana proved them all wrong.

Additionally, they have been known to survive the strikes of powerful monsters such as giants, or other beings possessing herculean strength, that would otherwise kill others with a single blow. Witchers were one of the only beings able to kill white walkers with their bare hands. but that had been centuries ago and the white walkers were long gone now.

Witchers possessed more magical potential than the average human, which gave them the ability to perform simple yet incredibly versatile combat magic in the form of signs. They also develop a sixth sense that allows them to "feel" things around them, be it items of importance or people's immediate intentions. This explains their uncanny ability to track and hunt people and monsters.

Another benefit of the witcher transformation was accelerated healing granting quick recovery from injuries. Which was helpful in battle to get back up and swing again. Witchers were not known to give up and Oceana was no different, there had not been a monster that she hadn't vanquished. She wasn't about to stop now.

Death by a Thousand Cuts // Margaery Tyrell // Cersei LannisterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon