051 The Power Of A Banshee & Windikouk

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Fifty One, The Power Of A Banshee & Windikouk

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Fifty One, The Power Of A Banshee & Windikouk

Luna might as well been in a video game: Slay the Beast. Bitch, please— what did she look like to you? This was giving a Scott McCall job. But, this was Lydia, a best friend. And if she had to save her, she would.

          The small group of four seem to hurry through the halls— and suddenly they stopped. They stopped at the yell, the yell of a Banshee. Luna shook to her core, the three other Supernatural covered their ears in pain. And Luna stared right ahead, eye flickering white.

Stiles, it's what she wanted to say.

    Because Lydia's yells could kill people. And Stiles was trying to find her. Fuck. Then everything went silent for a moment. Liam's eyes moving towards the girl, "Luna..?" The girls jaw clenched, heart burning. "We have to find Lydia, like right now." And the four were quick to move again.

     Jordan burning right through the barrier of Mountain Ash— the three teenagers stared in shock. "Well, shit." Luna rolled her eyes at Liam's words, Scott running a hand pass the door. The barrier was gone. "He's burning it right out of the walls."

    Jordan Parrish on fire was a sight to see.

          The four finally made it into the tunnels, Jordan turning back to Luna— silently. Scott sighed, "he doesn't know where to go .. Luna, you're the one who has to save Lydia." The girl took a deep breath, "bitch, I'm saving my boyfriend from his head exploding!" Scott & Liam shared a look as Luna shifted, the four then breaking out into a run. They followed Luna's lead, she glided easily. Like she knew the under works like the back of her hand. She didn't, by the way. Her pull towards the Banshee was just that strong.

    Then she heard it. "Stiles, run!" Lydia's voice.

     Luna hurried her pace, quickly pulling back her boyfriend into Scott's chest as Lydia's lips parted. Now, let's pause— Here's the thing. Luna had no idea how she was supposed to stop all their utter deaths? She was just rolling with her punches. With ever quick step towards the strawberry blonde, the world felt like it was moving in slow motion.

     Lydia's yell started out, and suddenly Luna's white eyes were cut down the middle with thick red. A clawed hand stapled over Lydia's mouth, claws digging into the spaces of her dimples. But, she didn't bleed, she didn't feel any pain. The area's where Luna's claws rested in Lydia's skin glowed. And Lydia's eyes shined with the reflection of Luna's glowing eyes. The scream didn't disappear, but it was beyond quieter than it would've been. The interior around them exploding and crumbling.

    The power of a Banshee & Windikouk: A Supernatural Pull.

      And even in the dust Luna could see the redheads face completely. Lydia's eyes watered over as Luna slowly pulled her claws out, and the blood free gashes healed instantly with a small glow. "Woah." Lydia let out a small gasp, her forehead gently leaning against Luna. "This is w-what Allison meant when she said we were it for her.." Luna wanted to laugh, and cry. So she let of a stifled giggle with sniffles.

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