I don't think you can legally punt someone into a lake, Tubbo.

8 2 5

TW: Naruto Spoilers, Water Burns

When Ranboo woke up, their routine went like this:

Feed the cats
Feed themself
Mocha Tea
Read Memory book.

So they fed the cats, started some bacon for theirself, and drank some mocha tea while they flipped through their memory book.

Tommy and Tubbo.

Would it be weird if they called immediately the morning after? Probably.

Maybe texting? Texting wasn't too weird.

Ranboo > Unknown Number

Ranboo: Hey this is Ranboo from the subway

This is tubo

Ranboo: Hello! Goodmorning

Goodmornjinb boo man
Woujld yo like to met upf  at the park l8ter?

Ranboo: oh sure! 2:30 work for you?

Yesb lemme tell tomey

Ranboo: okay, bye

Tubbo: bye bosios man

Ranboo: well I'll see you at the park later!



There was a sudden clang.

Ranboo sprang up, and saw Jjjjjjjjeffrey looking guiltily at a cup.

"You were trying to get the bacon, weren't you, you crazy cat?" They looked at Jjjjjjjjeffrey, who glared at them indifferently. "Oh of course you were, you spoilt creature." Ranboo sighed, and swept their tails away from Enderchests claws.

These were the creatures that ranboo would happily die for.

Ranboo sighed, and looked at the the clock.


Enough time to get ready and go to the park, their shift at Niki's Bakery & Bookstore didn't start until 4:00

So if they showed up at like.. 2:00, they could probably just hang around until Tubbo and Tommy got there...They should make and pack some lunch, or atleast bring some money... And then they could hang out for like two hours, and then their shift ended at 6:30.

Alright, that was today's plan.

Jjjjjjjjeffrey meowed at them, startling them from their thoughts.

They reached down to pet the cat, and smiled.

Today might actually be tolerable

There was a sizzling sound, and the smell of smoke.

Oh crap the bacon!

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