Shitpost status 1; The great Resetti debate

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Redd boots up his old ass Dell laptop that he probably bought in 2005. He gets on Twitter dot com and starts to write a post in defense of Tom Nook; "Perchance Resetti is the true villian of animal crossing. You see Tom Nook and say he is a capitalist crook, but think about it. Resetti yells and screams at you, he has made kids so afraid that Nintendo had to make him optional. Resetti constantly is angry at you for not saving, but doesn't help you or even tell you ways to prevent you from forgetting. Infact, he quite literally pulls back your progress, he is the only thing stopping you from making some progress on your game. Possibly making him the true villian of animal crossing." It read.

As soon as Redd posted it, millions of people went fucking wild.

"But Redd, Resetti is just a poor old homeless guy!" Replied Lily, the froggy chair ingredient.
Digby accidentally replied with his transformers fan account, "You dipshit! Resetti is a mole and lives underground! In New Leaf you can see his house! In New Horizons his bro says he LIVED WITH RESETTI! Which would be hard if they didn't have a home."

Isabelle replied with "Better get matpat on this shit."
Isabelle snapped back, "NEITHER DO YOU TWITTER CAT"

Amongst the chaos Luig- I mean Lottie began to cry in the replies about how she would ratio everyone saying Crook Nook. Which started a hashtag; "#CrookNook!!"

Cookie kinda just looked at her Nookphone and threw it in the trash. So did Midge and Blanca.

The arguing dragged on for 26 consecutive days until Resetti came out with an apology statement that read;
"I apologize to everyone I have yelled at and made upset, I made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgement, and I don’t expect to be forgiven. I’m simply here to apologize. There's a lot of things I should have done differently but I didn't. And for that, from the bottom of my heart, I am sorry. I want to apologize to the internet. I want to apologize to anyone I have yelled at."

Serena descended from heaven for her once a year tweet and said; "I do not forgive Resetti." Which sparked another fucking wildfire like this bitch is California.

Eventually, shit got so bad that Pelicon Musk had to delete twitter. The end.

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