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Jonah Brooks is 35 years old and has a wife and daughter. He is a retail worker at an Old Navy in North Carolina. Every aspect of his life is perfect. He has a nice two-story house, a loving wife, a beautiful daughter, and a good-paying job. What people don't know about Jonah is his coke addiction. It started in college when he was 25. Someone called him over to a table and there he had his first hit.  To this day the person that introduced him to coke is his dealer.

Jonah works the closing shift, so his wife doesn't think too much of it when he's out late. The two both have their own cars; Jonah uses his car for work and buying coke. He also has another phone just for his dealer in the glove compartment and will sometimes switch from the driver's side to the passenger side and snort coke from his dashboard.

After Jonah closes up shop, he gets in his car and drives to his local ATM, and takes out $20 for his coke. He messages his dealer and tells him he's on his way and where they should meet. His dealer says to meet him in an alley near some apartments. What Jonah and his dealer don't know is that there have been reports of drug activity from tenants living in apartments nearby and CCTV cameras have been catching their every move.  The police have been hot on their tail for the last week and tonight might be the night they catch them.

Jonah gets to the place and parks his car. He then texts his dealer to see if he's there. Once he gets confirmation he's at the place he walks towards him with money in hand, but he's not alone. Over in the distance there sit police cars with their lights off waiting for the deal to go down and make the arrests.

"You got my coke?" Jonah asks.

"Yeah, you got my money?" Mark, his dealer asks.

"Yep," he replies handing him his five-dollar bill. Mark takes the money and hands him his coke.

The police see the deal go down and make their move. Before Mark and Jonah go their separate ways, they're surrounded by officers. Behind the officers are spectators from the apartments looking at what's going on. Jonah and Mark both drop to their knees knowing that there's no point in trying to run and the gig is up. The two are both taken into custody and sent to Alexander County Sheriff's Office where they await trial. Mark is charged with selling a controlled substance and Jonah is charged with possession.

This is the end of Jonah and how he spent his five dollars.

A $5 bill five different livesWhere stories live. Discover now