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Caleb Johnson is a doctor at Vanderbilt in Tennessee.

He lives with his fiancee who works in fast food.

Caleb works the night shift and usually stops by the cafeteria to get fruit and a drink before going home.

Dawn is about to break and Caleb is already thinking about those grapes and soda, plus spending time with his fiancee before she heads off to work.

It's 6 am and the sun is peaking through the clouds.

Caleb clocks out and dashes for the cafeteria.

When there, he picks up his grapes and soda and then hands his $5 bill to the person behind the register.

After that, he gets in his car to go home to his fiancee and spend time with her before she leaves for work.

This is the end of Caleb and how he spends his five dollars.

A $5 bill five different livesWhere stories live. Discover now