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Avery Campbell is a 19-year-old college student in Arkansas who's running her jewelry store online. She sometimes sells her jewelry to her campus classmates.

When she makes online sales she keeps the money and puts it toward her college supplies. The money she gets around campus she spends on herself.

One day while in class, Avery remembers she has a five-dollar bill in her purse back at her dorm. She decides to drive to her local supermarket to get a bag of candy and a soda when class is over.

She takes a glance at her phone to see the time. "4:30," she says to herself. "15 minutes and I'm outta here."

She turns her phone case side up to avoid looking at the clock, so that time will go by quicker.

4:45 comes around and Avery takes her items and heads to her dorm to put them down. She then takes her purse and keys and heads to her car to make the 5-minute drive to her supermarket.

She makes it to her supermarket and whips into the nearest parking spot, grabs her purse, then beelines it to the candy section.

Once in the aisle, she stops to catch her breath and look for her choice of candy.

She takes her bag of candy and walks to the check out line where the cold drinks are usually kept and takes out a soda.

When it's her turn to check out, she places her items on the conveyor belt where they're checked out and bagged.

She hands the person behind the register her five-dollar bill, takes her items, and leaves.

This is the end of Avery and how she spent her five dollars.

A $5 bill five different livesWhere stories live. Discover now