Part 24

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The glow is spooky, so you decide to give the door a miss. Instead, you choose the path to the right.

You keep walking, until you bang into something in front of you. Grimacing in pain, you rub your head, then feel forwards to see what you've come across. To your delight, it's a ladder.

Putting your hand on the furthest rung you can find, you begin to climb. The continued darkness unnerves you, but there's nothing you can do about it. You continue to climb until your head smacks against a ceiling.

Ducking down slightly, you resist the urge to tell the ceiling off for being in your way. Fumbling upwards, you find a catch, and cautiously push upwards. Light streams into the space and you breathe a sigh of relief.

Looking out from the tunnel, you take account of your surroundings.

To your left, Roses bloom on either side of a clear path.

To your right, the path is overgrown and covered with brambles.

If you choose the left path, continue to 'Part 15'

If you choose the right path, continue to 'Part 21'

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