Part 27

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You enter a room. A room that smelt strongly of...something. You can't put a finger on it. The dimly lit place is hard to see as well. The only source of light was a single, yellow illuminating bulb hanging from a small chain from the ceiling. You stop in the middle of the room, squinting your eyes. It's then you see odd lumps on the ground. And...stains.

Taking another small step further into the place, you, against your better judgement, head to one of the lumps decorating the space. As you lean forward, you noticed a strange figure sticking itself from the lump. Bending down, it takes you a second to recognise what the figure was. It was then the entire picture of the scene you're witnessing slams into your mind. A startled scream escapes your lips as you stand up and take steps back.

The lumps are bodies. Bodies with blood pooling from beneath them.

It's then the surrounding becomes clearer for you. A table remains in the middle of the room, chainsaws and other sharp items lay on a metallic tray. Everywhere you could see, sangria red with hint of yellow from the light painted the ground and anything around it. It's then you hear movement from behind you. Footsteps echoing close to the room.

Panicked, you search for a way out and find two pathways at the other side of the room. One leads to stairs upwards into darkness. And the other leads downstairs, the same yellow light waiting for you.

If you choose upstairs, continue to 'Part 5'

If you choose downstairs, continue to 'Part 20'

The Maze of Mysteries [Interactive Story]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora