N•I•N•E•T•E•E•N | The Way You Make Me Feel

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So I posted this at 6:30 this morning and I don't think Wattpad shared it 😬

So let's try again shall we?

Happy Tuesday!  I hope you all have a fantastic day! 🖤

Those of you in the path of this pending snowstorm, stay safe and warm!

Thank you to my beta reader Jesse_Winter_Soldier For busting out this chapter for me!

Happy Reading!



Steve slowly blinks the sleep from his blurry eyes; he can feel the sun dancing along his naked shoulders, the cool ruffled sheets under him, a warm, soft body pressed against his front, and smell that wonderful warm vanilla scent. He smiles, burying his face in the messy strawberry-blonde hair, inhaling the smell he has come to recognize as home. They had gotten in somewhat late last night, the day before Thanksgiving, the traffic was horrible, then the drive up to Buffalo. They would spend today together doing whatever they pleased, which he hoped was plenty of cuddling and kissing in bed. Thursday morning, they would make the journey to Tony and Peppers to join the rest of the group.

"Why are you awake?", Aubrey whispered, voice thick with sleep as she snuggled into the plush pillow under her head.

Steve hummed, "Creature of habit.", he chuckled lowly, kissing her bare shoulder, silently thanking past Steve for suggesting she sleep topless. He ran a large hand from her shoulder to her thigh, pressing a kiss on her neck. "I'm going to get up, you stay in bed.", he whispered.

"Noooo, stay in bed with me.", she pouted, rolling over as Steve climbed out of bed.

He chuckled again, a smile on his face, watching as she took up the spot he'd just abandoned. "Go back to sleep, baby.", he whispered, kissing her forehead as he pulled the covers up.

He stood in the doorway to the ensuite bathroom, giving one last look at the sleeping woman in bed. Steve set about his business. Relieving his bladder, he hopped in the shower next, thankful Aubrey had the foresight to put their toiletries in the bathroom before bed. Towel slung around his waist, he brushed his teeth and ran his fingers through his hair. He was going to wear a hat while out of the room there was no point in doing anything to his hair. Finally, he started on his beard routine, rubbing the oil into his beard before taking the comb through it.

Steve quietly slipped from the bathroom back into the room. He snagged a pair of jeans, a grey t-shirt, and a black zip-up jacket from the bag. After dressing, he slid into his shoes and grabbed his phone, wallet, room card, and hat from the coffee table, then he headed out.

Stepping into the elevator, he pulled out his phone and quickly searched for the nearest coffee shop. Bagels and Books, a four-star coffee shop less than three miles from the hotel, he could work with that. Steve nodded to the older gentlemen at the front desk on his way out the door. A rush of cool autumn air whirled around him as he stepped out onto the sidewalk, he took a deep breath, it wasn't Brooklyn, but just being back in New York felt right. Pulling his hat down over his brow, he headed off in the direction of the coffee shop.

Steve headed back to the hotel with a book, five bagels in hand(he knew Aubrey would only eat one leaving the other four to him), one cup of coffee, and a white chocolate monstrosity. It took way longer than he anticipated, he wasn't prepared for the stacks of books this place had. Bagels and Books was a quaint little hole-in-the-wall coffee shop, it looked like nothing special from the street. But once you pulled open the door, a rush of warm air engulfed you and the smell of old books and coffee teased the senses with an underlining sweet yeasty aroma from the bagels. He was going to have to tell Aubrey about this place. 

A Sunday Kind Of Love | 18+  { Steve Rogers}Where stories live. Discover now