T•W•E•N•T•Y - T•H•R•E•E | Got My Mind Set On You

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Hey guys! Happy Tuesday!

I hope everyone's week is starting off on the right foot!

I hope you enjoy this weeks chapter! I enjoyed writing it!

I will be posting the first chapter of The Tales of Kash Rogers later this week! I'm excited to share it with you all!

Shout out to my beta Jesse_Winter_Soldier

Happy Reading!



Side note!
Translations for this chapter French to English (According to Google!)

Mes arrière- arrière-grands-parents étaient des immigrés françai
My great-great-grandparents were French immigrants

Va te faire foutre, Montgomery
Fuck you, Montgomery


December 3rd

The sun wasn't even up as Steve took a long drink of coffee from his to-go tumbler. The heat was blasting in the truck, it's a comfortable forty-five degrees outside this morning. He parks behind the bakery, grabs his phone from the center console, and double-checks to see if the text he'd sent when leaving the apartment went through.

Finally, the door above the apartment opened, Zak walked out onto the little wooden deck, holding the door open for Sash. Steve quirked an eyebrow, watching the couple kiss at the bottom of the stairs before Zak headed for Steve's truck and Sasha pulled out her keys to the bakery to unlock it.

"Not a word Rogers.", Zak grumbles as he closes the door, immediately putting both hands in front of the vents. "Why am I awake at six-thirty on my day off?", he asks as the truck pulls out onto the street.

"Before I get into that...", he gestured to the other cup in the cup holder, Zak quickly grabbed the cup sniffing the liquid life inside, "And...", he reached behind Zak's seat, grabbing a Tupperware container filled with muffins Aubrey baked last night. "Here.", he says, handing the container to the other man.

Zak opens the container then eyes the super soldier suspiciously. "What do you want?", he asks before taking an obnoxiously large bite of the cranberry orange muffin with a light glaze. Then he looks at the other man, who seems a little green around the edges. "You all right over there bud?", he asked.

"Imgonnaaskaubreytomarryme.", he rushes out quickly before sighing in relief, he had been sitting on that secret for a while now, and damn it felt good to get it out there.

Zak blinked slowly, "Gonna have to repeat that in English this time, and maybe a little slower.", he said, "Or in French, my Spanish is a little dodgy.", he shrugged, taking a drink of coffee.

"You speak french?", Steve asked, entirely blindsided by the information.

"Mes arrière- arrière-grands-parents étaient des immigrés français.", Zak replied.

"Huh, interesting.", Steve nodded.

Zak turns in his seat, "No distractions. Repeat what you so kindly blurted out in a knot."

A Sunday Kind Of Love | 18+  { Steve Rogers}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora