sleepover pt 1

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I turned off my phone and went downstairs to see Billy and Finney on the couch sipping on tea my mother has made them. My mom was on the chair across from them, with her legs crossed as she wore a skin tight light pink dress with white stripes, black heels, a black leather coat (probably fake leather because she doesn't like real leather), some make-up, and her hair done up in a bun. They all looked over at me and smiled. I smiled back, not wanting to come off as rude, and sat down beside Griffin. I look over at the digital clock on the table next to me (the skinny hort ones that are right nest to beds in movies)
It read 4:47 pm. I look back at my mom who had just said my name, snapping me out of my daze. "Hey Bruce, we need to talk about something real quick." She said with a smile.
I could tell it was a  " I need to tell you something privately, it's about family" and I knew this wasn't gonna be good
I followed her to her bedroom as she closes the door I sit on her bed, she sits next to me moments later. "It's about your father..." She started to look... Sad? Happy? A mixture of both? "...he passed away..." She finished, with a soft smile. You see my dad was abusive, he would hurt both me and my mom. He would also have so many affairs with moms co-workers and sometimes her boss, so when I heard he was dead all I could do was smile. Me and my mom were finally free from his torture, but then my mom started talking again, "we also got a lot of money from inheritance... So I thought we could go shopping later this weekend!" She said with a smile. I hated shopping but she seemed so happy, so ofc I said sure. We went back to the living room and parted, I went to my room to check on Vance, and the others ofc, and she went to the kitchen to prepare dinner for us. I realized that she didn't know Vance, Billy, and Robin were here so she was probably gonna make just me Griffin and Finney a plate. So I went downstairs to tell her the others were here, hopefully I won't get a beating but if I do they will at least have food. "Hey mom forgot to tell you...umm there are three more people here hehe..." I said in a nervous tone. She smiled, so softly, I guess she could tell I was a little scared. I've always had this thought that one day she would turn her back on me, and treat me the way my dad did, but I guess she's too kind for that. And I'm kind of glad for that kindness in her heart.

Vancey pranceys POV 😋

I heard steps coming up the stairs, they didn't sound like Bruce's so I hid, but then I listened to them a bit more and found out they were Finney's and griffins. I get out of my hiding spot and sit on Bruce's bed. They come through the door and sit on the ground, talking to Robin and Billy. I look at Griffin, and ask him,"where is Bruce?"
"He and his mom had to talk about something." Griffin said with a shrug, then went back to talking with Billy, who had his head in griffins lap. Shit I thought, what if he found out that I ran over his dad?

BRUCEY WUCEYS pov (again)

" If I may ask, how did dad die?" I asked my mom, who was concentrated on the stir fry in the pan (just chose something my mom makes me, don't know if it's Chinese or Korean or Japanese food!) " I don't mind you asking, and someone hit him with a car, I talked to the driver after he stopped the car once he hit your dad and found out his name was Vance, I gave him a thank you and walked back home." Said my mother. Oh shit.
Hopefully y'all are enjoying this cringe I made, probably gonna be one of my longest chapters if I'm gonna be honest, I'm also gonna be working on part 2 of the sleepover later at like 3 AM bc Idrc about school being at like 5 am 😍 anygays, gn 😘

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