Chapter Five

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Stepping back I continued down towards Zephyr's 'spot'. Why it was any different to the rest of the beach was beyond me but according to him it was. I had always preferred the far end of the beach. There was rock pools to explore and a track that wound up the cliff and when you reached the top you could see miles in every direction. It was mostly deserted too, because the track wasn't really a track, just a well worn path from us kids and could be a little dodgy in places. As I came closer I could see Lennon set up with a bunch of other girls. From here I could tell that she was queen bee, the others were all circled around hanging on whatever story she was telling them.

It was a strange sight considering she had always shunned popularity. While I had craved it she had always been happy with what she had. She preferred books, extra curricular groups for math or science and her equally nerdy friend Riley. She had never enjoyed being centre of attention but judging by her current body language she was revelling in it these days.

I guess we had all changed.

I strutted over pretending to be more confident than I currently felt. If it had been a group of boys I was approaching that was easy. You just had to flick your hair and show a bit of cleve and you were accepted, or at least fawned over. Girls were different, it could take the entire summer before I was properly part of the group.

Just before I reached the girls I spotted him and my pulse began to race as he stared straight at me. Zephyr and his friends were coming out of the ocean with their boards, him in front wearing a pair of faded fluoro green shorts that set off his tan. He stopped in front of the girls, glancing my way again, but obviously not recognising me by the way his eyes slowly trailed from my feet right up to my face.

This was it.

"Lennon!!!" I squealed in my most girly voice "Oh my god, it's been forever, I missed you so much" I gushed before leaning over and giving her a hug and at the same time giving Zephyr a full view of my cleavage from where he had begun to approach to her.

My bikini was incredibly skimpy, making it risky leaning over like that but it had to be done. It was the best way to get the reaction I was hoping for and as I straightened up his eyes were staring straight at my chest and he looked over at Lennon questioningly. She was looking blankly back at him.

I smirked to myself, this was exactly the reaction I wanted and had hoped I would get from him. Typical boys, they were so predictable, so easy to play.

"Lennon are you going to introduce us to your gorgeous friend?" He asked looking back at me with a flirty smile.

I had seen him use that smile on dozens of girls the last summer I had been here and it had gotten him every single one. He had been becoming a bit of a little fuck boy back then and it looked like not much had changed. I had never had the smile directed at me before and for a second I just stared, almost letting it ruin the act I was putting on. I had almost fallen under his spell.

I knew better and I shook my head slightly being sure to pull myself together. Instead of reacting the same way as every other girl I raised my eyebrows at him and gave him an expression that told him I thought he was an idiot. He stared back at me, his expression turning a little nervous.

He wasn't used to that reaction from girls. I was glad to know that I was immune to Zephyr's charms now, it would make tonight way more enjoyable. A few years ago I would not have handled that smile the way I just did, I would have totally melted.

I quickly opened my mouth again before Lennon could steal this moment from me.

"Don't you recognize me Zeph?"

He obviously recognized my normal voice right away because his eyes got huge and he blushed.

"Oh shit, Poppy? You look way different"

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