Chapter Nineteen

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"So you guys finally did it?" Len teased us.

"What?" We both said at the same time, me giving it away by going full blown pink.

"We almost interrupted because we could see you two on the beach but when we got closer it didn't sound like something we would want to see" She laughed.

"Plus that smile on Poppy's face, she looks way, way, way, happier than she should be right now, considering what Blaise did earlier"

I could feel my cheeks flame even more and was so glad the outdoor lights weren't working so she couldn't see.

"I don't think you need to hear about your brothers sex life Len" Zeph told her.

Oh my god he had just admitted that we had had sex. I elbowed him.

"What, they already knew, and it's not like we'll be able to hide it, I mean she's right, you'll be smiling like that for the next week if I have my way" he said pulling me so I was tucked close to his side and even though I wanted to relish in the affectionate gesture, I couldn't believe he had said that in front of her. He was so embarrassing but totally cute.

"So if your doing your sisters best friend, then you can't be mad at me hooking up with Lennon either, right?" Len's eyes looked like they were about to bug out as she stared at Riles. We then both looked at eachother like did he just say that to your brother? "What Riley means is that we really like each other and want to start seeing eachother but we were scared you would flip out" Len quickly covered herself. I think Zeph could be ok with them as long as they looked like they weren't rushing into anything, he didn't need to know they had already slept together. Riley was his best friend, best friends didn't keep secrets like that from each other. Zephyr had never kept Shae a secret, from Riley at least.

Zeph stared at the two of them for a second looking unsure. I remembered what he had said about her and Riley my first day here. But if Zephyr could change his ways so could Riley.

"Look Zeph, I know Len's liked me for ages and I always had a thing for her as well. And I never ever got any attention from girls so I kinda went a bit overboard when they were finally noticing me. But I realised that it doesn't matter how many girls pay you attention. It's better to have one good one thats always thought you were worth the attention" He said staring at Lennon when he talked about the one good girl.

"Ohhh" Len and I both went at the same time, causing both boys to roll their eyes at us. He was so sweet when it came to Len, nothing like the big I don't give a fuck image he had been portraying recently.

"I guess I can't judge right now but I swear if you hurt her..." he trailed off.

Len got a huge smile and gave Zeph a hug. Before they pulled apart I heard her whisper to him. "That goes for you as well Zephyr, I know your my brother, but you know I care way more about Poppy than I do about you right?"

"Hey, that's not fair" he told her with an annoyed tone.

Len just looked at him and shrugged while I laughed at their exchange. I had always been so jealous of their whole brother sister relationship. Being an only child fully sucked. I guess I did have a sibling now but with such a huge age gap it was never going to be quite the same as Zephyr and Lennon's bond. He and I would always be at different life stages and once he was old enough to have fun I would probably be to settled down with children and a husband to join in.

Wait, children? At the beginning of summer I had been sure that children were not part of my future so it was strange that they had even been apart of my thought process. I guess my entire mindset had changed children with Matt, little versions of himself growing up in an apartment in New York had sounded like my worst nightmare. But little Zephyr's, growing up on the beach, actually sounded kind of nice.

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