Chapter 2

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"The Shadow? Who are you even talking about?" Shadow said cautiously.The man simply shook his head and said, "GIFTED is an organization made to help strengthen and coordinate the abilities of talented individuals."Shadow eyed him suspiciously. He didn't look like he was lying, but the fact that he knew what Shadow is..."So is this like a job internship? If so, let's talk outside", Shadow said, aware of the other people nearby.He led the stranger outside and around the side of the building so they were alone in an alley. Without warning, he grabbed the stranger's arm, twisted his arm behind his back, and manipulated the darkness around to form a knife, which he put to the stranger's throat."How do you know about me? Choose your answer wisely", Shadow hissed into the stranger's ear.The stranger didn't look the least bit fazed or worried even though his life was one flick of the wrist away from ending. He simply closed his eyes and fainted. Before Shadow could react, his arms were yanked away from the limp body as if they had a mind of their own. Then his legs began walking backward toward the outer wall of the building despite Shadow not attempting to move them at all. Once his back was flat against the wall, he regained control over his limbs again and the stranger got up as if nothing had happened."How do I know about you?" The stranger said repeating the question. "Because I'm like you. An Abnormal.""You were controlling my body", Shadow said, understanding what happened."Yes, I did. I could have made you walk all the way back to Gifted if I wanted. But this is your decision to make. Do wish to live alone, without food or shelter? Or would you rather live somewhere where you'll be taken care of and respected for your talents?""What's the catch? You were talking about a job earlier." Shadow replied."All that will be asked of you is to provide help when we try to protect others regardless of whether they're abnormal or not."Shadow considered this. He knew what he was and how most people hated his kind. He was dangerous to anyone who made themselves his enemy. If there truly was a safe place for him, he needed to go there. And if there's the chance that this is all a trap, he could take care of it."Alright," He answered."Good. Follow me to my car. I'll be driving you there." the stranger responded. "By the way, the name's Jerry. But if we need to protect our identities, call me Conscience."And with that, Shadow left the alley with what might be his first friend in years.

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