Chapter 1

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~Damien POV~

    He woke up eyes wide open as a car honked outside. He was annoyed at the car but had to thank it for waking him up from his dream. Well, not a dream: it was more of a nightmare. It was a nightmare of his haunted past. A past he could never go back to, yet never run away from. After all these years, he couldn't remember every detail, but enough to torture him for the rest of his life.

He got out of his hammock fully dressed and packed it up in his backpack. He walked out of the dark alley he had slept in and onto the street's sidewalk. He headed for a nearby store. He walked in and went to one of the private bathrooms. He looked at the mirror and stared at himself. He had messy black hair that hung right over his blue, emotionless eyes. He wore a gray long-sleeve that hid underneath his pitch-black jacket. He wore a pair of jeans that had a few rips that weren't very noticeable. And to finish it off he wore some dark gray shoes.

He looked at himself and sighed. He looked like a mess. He reached into his backpack and pulled out a bag full of toiletries. He combed his hair back to normal and brushed his teeth. When he was done, he packed up his stuff and left the bathroom. He went outside and walked further down the street until he came across a newspaper stand. When he was certain that no one was looking, he quickly grabbed a newspaper. He walked off into the crowded sidewalk before anyone noticed.

He stopped at a nearby coffee shop and took a seat at a table. He opened up the newspaper and read the top story. It said, "The Shadow Strikes Again During Robbery". It was an article written about a dangerous person called "The Shadow" that's been attacking during robberies and killing all the robbers. People aren't sure if this person is to be trusted or not.

He crumpled up the newspaper and threw it away. He hated the stories they wrote about the Shadow. He hated them because he was the Shadow. Though he preferred just being called "Shadow". He had been doing this for years, killing all those murderers for all the crimes they've committed because they deserved it. He was too strong and quick to be beaten or caught. But he never killed anyone innocent; he made sure of that. He rubbed his head and tried to take his mind off the article. Just then, a man walked up to his table and sat down across from him.

"Excuse me? I'm using this table right now", Shadow said annoyed.

"I know, but I must talk to you." The man replied calmly.

"About what exactly?" Shadow asked.

"It's an offer for a job. You'll be provided a place to live, food, and training. It's a safe place for people like us." The man said, keeping his voice low enough so only he could hear.

"What are you talking about?" Shadow replied, playing dumb.

"We need someone with your skills to join a team we're putting together." The man answered handing him a card. "I work for an organization called 'Gifted'. We need someone like you to join our team. We need the Shadow."

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