Chapter 3

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Charlotte was excited. It had only been an hour since Jerry called and told them the good news. He was bringing a recruit. It had been almost seven months since the last recruit, Emily had joined, and being stuck in HQ with the same few people was driving her mad. Sure, they were friendly and sometimes funny, but she was used to growing up in a town full of dozens of kids. She wondered who it would be and what their ability is. Maybe they would end become best friends. She ran from her room down the hallway. As she was running, she nearly crashed into one of the other recruits, Beatrice, who just walked out of her room, looking like she had just woken up. "Morning Bea! Are you excited?" Charolette said, hopping up and down. Beatrice yawned, pushing a strand of her purple-streaked hair out of her face. "Excited for what exactly?" she asked. "Did something happen?" "Didn't you hear? Jerry was able to find another Abnormal," Charolette responded. "What?" Beatrice yelped. "Since when? I have to get ready! I can't have their first impression of me be a sloth." Beatrice then ran straight back into her room to change her clothes. Charlotte laughed. She knew Bea always liked to look her best even when there was no reason to. Charlotte continued down the hallway till she reached the Lobby. Since the building she and the other recruits lived in wasn't technically a house, they called the main room the Lobby instead of the living room. She looked out the window to the front lawn, looking for any sign of Jerry and his grey minivan. Sadly, there was no sign of either. Charlotte plopped down on one of the Lobby's couches and waited. Suddenly, she felt something crawling on her neck. She shrieked and jumped off the couch only to find there was nothing there. Well, nothing other than one of her friends laughing his head off. "Mr. Woods! We've told you, you can't keep pranking us," Charlotte exclaimed. Mr. Lloyd Woods, one of the employees and residents of their home, tried to calm himself down. Even though he was 31 years old, he acted like a little kid sometimes, making stupid jokes, playing small pranks, and playing games with his son. But he was always in a good mood and helped make the recruits feel better when they were having difficulties. "Sorry, couldn't resist. What are you doing all alone?" He said in his Irish accent. "I'm waiting for the recruit. Didn't you hear?" Charlotte responded. "Really? Why am I always the last to know about these things?" He muttered to himself. Suddenly, the doors flew open, and in walked Jerry with a black-haired boy about the same age as Charlotte. Charlotte was a little upset. She was hoping the recruit would be a girl. The boy didn't seem happy to be there, but he didn't look uncomfortable either. If anything, he looked uninterested, as if being here was a waste of his time. But this new kid's mood wasn't going to her spirits. Charlotte stepped forward with a smile on her face and held out her hand. "Hello, I'm Charlotte. Welcome to Gifted."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2022 ⏰

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