Chapter 42: Atlantia

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I couldn't face the truth that while I may be very powerful, there were more things that could easily stop me then I cared to admit. Cordelia was an obvious one but the Fates and the restriction on the timeline were the ones I truly hated/feared. It was the one that stopped me from actually possibly ending this Nogistune issue. As I was weaving the spell, I could hear three very familiar voices in my ear.

"We warned you." I hear the three old ladies that were the Fates say into my ears before I feel my body lock up. My eyes shoot open as I feel the old ladies grab me and send some sort of backwards energy where my power backfires on myself causing me to have spasms before I collapsed to the ground. It was there where I had to watch everyone argue without me being able to do anything. It was a weird feeling because I felt like I was locked in my body unable to help. I knew why. The Fates didn't want me interfering with this event which confused me.

Why must this event happen?

Why can't I see Derek's path?

"What can't I see Stiles?

It hurt me to know that I couldn't use one of the few things that I know I was useful for. Instead, I was a liability because I couldn't fight or do anything.

The protection battle that went on between Derek, Chris, Stilinski, and Allison against the Oni went about how I expected it to go. Stiles disappeared along with the Oni and everyone was wounded in some way. Luckily, the only one who had injuries that could be considered bad enough to go the hospital was Derek. Kira and Scott had showed up a few seconds after the Oni and Stiles had disappeared so they helped guide everyone out of the loft leaving Derek and I alone.

Derek had wordlessly deposited himself on the couch next to where he had just carefully carried me to. I knew what he was going to ask and I wasn't sure if I could answer it.

"I know there is something you are keeping to yourself." Derek says, breaking the silence. "I know it is not something you can talk to me about, or anyone about but I need you to know that I am here if you ever can. There are thousands of things I don't know about your powers but the one thing I know is that your parents or the Fates or whatever, are keeping you from using your power to the fullest. I know you think it is your fault when you can't stop something but it isn't. You aren't responsible for everyone's lives and actions but I need you." My head looks up at him and I could see the pain of seeing me in this state written all over his face. I slowly move my hand so I could grab his. Derek met me half way when he saw my hand moving.

"Thank you, Derek." I say the tears in my eyes. He smiles moving to hug me and I felt his little grunt as he did so. It was then I realized that the wound he got from one of the Oni was not healing.

"Derek," I say softly as I send some healing power into the wound. It closes up making Derek nod gratefully before he helps me up. I didn't know what was going on especially since he just put me in another chair near the table before he disappeared wordlessly around the corner. Few minutes later, I see him emerge with a familiar game in his hand.

"Chess?" I ask surprised when he began to set it up.

"Back in his room, Stiles had a board with my name and yours on two of the pieces." Derek says as Peter comes into the room. I didn't even realize he was in the loft but apparently, he has been here at least since Scott has been because he was grabbing his jacket from a chair like he was going out

"If this is a game to him, then I need to figure out the plans." Derek continued as Peter listened in.

"Not so easy to do when it's a game without rules." Peter butts in. He moves to leave without giving an actual answer but I stop him.

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