Chapter 43: Derek

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I couldn't understand what happened about twenty minutes ago. It was like I had a backseat over the control of my own body so I couldn't stop anything that was happening. I felt so bad when I was finally conscious again after Atlantia ripped out a firefly from my mouth. Apologies flooded out of my mouth to Chris and Atlantia but they just waved me off since they were aware it wasn't my fault.

"Scott just called and Stiles was cleared by Noshiko, Kira's mom." Atlantia says before taking a long chug from her nectar bottle. "He says they are trying to find someone named Meredith because they think she may have information that could clue them into Lydia's location."

"What does he need us to do?" Chris asks.

"If I can, use my powers to find Meredith but he says to not waste energy if I can already see that I won't be revealed the answer." Atlantia says. I guess Scott isn't as stupid as he used to be because before he wouldn't have been able to see the reason behind Atlantia's failings.

After Atlantia had said this, Chis got a call from Allison and he had to head back to his apartment. He told us he will call us if he finds any information on the Nogistune. I nod gratefully at that before I turn my attention to Atlantia. The nectar was helping her as I could see the differences in the way she moved.

I didn't know what I could say to her though. It felt different between us since the Nogistune minor possession. It might also be because of what I did to her about an hour ago which I understood her tension but it felt different than that.

"I can't see your path." I jerk my head up at that to stare at Atlantia. She was leaning on the counter across from the bar stool I was sitting in.

"What?" I say confused at what she was saying.

"Since you left with Cora to bring her back to her pack in South America, I haven't been able to see anything related to you in my visions." Atlantia says grimly. She looks at me directly and I could see the tears in her eyes, "The last time that happened, I lost everyone I ever cared about to Tartarus."

"Hey, I'm not going anywhere." I quickly say getting off the stool to wrap my arms around her. "Many have tried to kill me but I have always come out on top. Nothing will happen."

"Don't say that!" Atlantia says almost angrily. At me or herself I don't know, "I know that bad things are coming but I can't see anything! The one thing that I am useful for, I can't actually use. I haven't been much help in anything that has happened! Who have I helped at all in this Nogistune mess?"

"Everyone!" I shout stopping her from going down this loophole. Every one of these teens who live in Beacon Hill and are a part of this supernatural world has suffered a lot in the last few years. Atlantia is no exception and she may have a lot more trauma than anyone as well.

"You have helped everyone," I say softer, now that I have gotten her attention. "Atlantia, you saved Scott's father. You saved Isaac. You gave Stiles a moment of freedom of the Nogistune. It is not your fault that it failed. The Fates kept you from saving Stiles at the moment, not you, but if you want to know what I truly believe, you are more powerful than the Fates. I think you can break free of the chains keeping you from your full potential." Atlantia looked surprised at that before she gently places her lips on mine and I welcome her.

We spent the night on the couch just holding us and recovering from the day's events since it was a lot but that morning , we were awakened by my phone ringing. It surprised me because it was Ethan.

"What?" I say curtly.

"We need your help!" Ethan grits out. Atlantia instantly shoots up in my arms at hearing Ethan. Her eyes glow blue for a second before she gasps and grabs my arm. Quicker than I could prepare, I was ripped through the shadows and deposited in the middle of the woods. I could see Ethan trying to get up while Aiden laid motionless on the ground.

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