chapter 5 : attached

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Seki swore that even though Inoue saved her from being a complete joke in front of others, the next time she sees the girl, she might as well just run away and go home. Inoue did apologize and bring her to the clinic just to be sure that she wasn't concussed but that was so embarrassing. Much worse, it's like Inoue didn't actually care about the attention that they were getting because of something she caused.

As much as possible, Seki didn't want to hate her so it's best to just avoid and ignore her so that certain things like earlier wouldn't happen again. After a couple of days and surely, everyone will forget about Seki Yumiko getting hit by a tennis ball.

A couple of days, so Seki has to deal with this until after a couple days...

Seki had to leave class in a hurry as soon as they were dismissed for lunch break because her classmates were still judging her about the tennis ball incident. News that the quiet and timid transferee who only has the student council president and a member beside her has been hit by a flying tennis ball did spread fast.

Passing through the hallways, Seki knew that this wouldn't turn out better in the cafeteria. The whole school was there so surely it would be much more embarrassing to stay there, but she didn't want to starve so she just decided to buy a sandwich as quick as she can while handling the stares and then just march out of the place like nothing happened.

That's the plan.

Seki believed that she could do it, for once, for a sandwich but the moment she entered the cafeteria, she already felt like fainting. Some students who were seated near the entrance were already giving her the stink eye.

Alright, Seki believed in herself too much. There was no way she will be walking across the cafeteria just for a silly sandwich. Well, that silly sandwich was gonna keep her from starving but looks like that's what was gonna happen that afternoon, she will starve to death.

Getting ready to leave the place and probably go hide somewhere where no one will find her, that's when she was once again stopped because of someone shamelessly calling her in the midst of the noisy cafeteria.


Seki turned red when she heard her name. She turned her head slowly to the direction where the voice came from and she saw Inoue waving her arm enthusiastically.

"I saved you a seat! Come on!" she kept shouting, not caring about how their schoolmates were looking at them.

At this point, Inoue just kept shouting so Seki just quickly walked over to the table with her head down in hopes of making the girl stop attracting too much attention.

Seki now looked up and was about to at least tell Inoue on how embarrassing that was but seeing how the girl was brightly smiling upon her, she couldn't scold her.

"Are you okay now? Or does your head still hurt? Do you still need to go back to the clinic?", Inoue bombarded her with questions and was about to put her hand on Seki's forehead when the senior prevented her from doing so by gently holding her wrist.

"I-I'm fine, really.."

With that statement, Inoue smiled again and held Seki's hand. Not knowing how it made Seki's heart beat faster.

"I'm glad then! Now come on, I'm sure you are hungry!" Inoue pulled Seki to sit down before she took out a small bag and then started blabbering extra information.

"Akanen told me that you usually eat your lunch here. Why not just eat with us in the student council room? We could exchange stories or maybe I could help you too with your class activities! I've always been curious about Yuuka-san's studies so I messed a little with her notebooks and I have also read some discussions", Inoue shared, taking out some utensils from the bag she had with her.

"Oh I'm fine. I have enough notes to get me by. Thank you though. As for joining all of you for lunch, I just didn't want to trouble any of you and I'm just better off here.."

"Nonsense! You're welcome anytime! Plus I would really like to spend more time with you. If you really prefer eating here in the cafeteria, why not? I'll join you" Inoue grinned as she finally took out the bento Yuuka had brought. She sets it in front of Seki and hands her the chopsticks.

"I brought more than enough but of course, I had to leave some for Yuuka-san and Akanen" she cheekily grinned and Seki just sighs. Folding her hands and thanking Inoue for the food.

She knew that the girl only meant to take care of her and be friendly so she shouldn't be mad at her for being herself. Only in the future, Seki might actually die from embarrassment but now she's hoping that Inoue will be there to save her, even though it's too early to hope for that.




After that day, Seki started finding Inoue in her classroom every morning when she had just arrived. The girl was just chatting it away like she's close friends with Seki's classmates but once she saw Seki, all her attention got diverted. As usual, she was always greeted with a smile, and a drink. Inoue wanted Seki to be energetic and hydrated throughout her classes as that's what she told the senior.

It was fine with Seki. Inoue looks like wanted to be with her all the time as the younger girl always waited for her, whether it was for lunch or when classes were already done. Sometimes, they would join Akane and Yuuka to eat or they would just buy some food in the cafeteria and spend the rest of their lunch break in the garden or rooftop. Thank god that Inoue got the memo of Seki fearing the crowd so she suggested that they could go to another place that was quiet. Inoue also did Seki the favor of being quiet so that the senior could enjoy and relax in peace.

After classes, Inoue liked greeting Seki by her classroom with snacks to munch on while waiting for Seki's personal driver to pick her up. During these times, Inoue shared more lighthearted stories that even made Seki interested, enough to make her talk. As days went by with this routine, the two managed to become closer and even Seki was afraid. When Inoue was a few minutes late from fetching her from her classroom, without realizing it, she got worried immediately but a wave of relief washes over when she sees the bright girl running towards her with the widest smile ever.

Perhaps they're too close that Inoue is technically attached to Seki. Like she wants to be physically attached to the senior based on her behavior lately.

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