the house.

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*hypemyke stops the car in front of the house*

hypemyke: finally here.. guys! guys!! GUYS!
*everyone jumps up*

nick: what!!!
michel: guys calm down. we are here
nick: oh yeah!
jesse: fin-.. finally-

*jesse fells back asleep*

michel: bro wake up!!
nick: poor little man.

*they all get out of the car and go up to the grout door*

nick: ok guys! we have made it to the house and the only thing to do is-
michel: open the door to our worst nightmare!
y/n: this house looks so old, you  sure that door will even open?
nick: let's hope
y/n: let's not hope

*michel grabs the camera and nick gets the key and starts to open the door, after the doors is unlocked they walk inside to explore*

michel: well it's actually really nice in here
y/n: yea not what i was expecting
nick: yea true, but i think it's just the workers trying to make this place not look so scary
michel: true...
* 20 minutes later after exploring the house they all sit down ready to start the ritual*
nick: ok guys! we all explored the house i found nothing special, but we have 4 rooms upstairs and 5 rooms downstairs
2 bedrooms upstairs and only 1 downstairs and this one room is the one that the whole family died in. the story goes that the mother was making some dinner and all the children were in the parents bedroom. playing with toys normal things siblings do! and that's when the dad came home from his job. they say that all just one of the children hid. he came up the stairs and found her. she was forced to do gross things with the dad watching. after he was done that's when she grabbed her sisters and jumped out the window and set the house on fire with her mother and father in it but then she realised that she left her little brother in the room, she went back in to the house trying to find her brother and her sister followed but they were trapped and was burned to death.
michel: damn.. i feel bad like she haded to deal with her own father doing that to her and probably her sister as well..
y/n: they were only children.
nick: it's horrible  

*they start the ritual with trying to talk to them*

michel: if anyone can hear me make a noise, like a knock or a bang anything that will tell me that ur here

* silence in the room for a while then nick asks*

nick: is there anyone there like the father or the mother

*more silence*

michel: the sisters are you here with us tonight? if u are can u tell me that ur here

*more silence then michel jumps up and holds the back of his neck*

michel: YO! what the fuck was that!
nick: what?
michel: something grabbed the back of my neck!
nick: oh shit... you ok??
michel; that scared the shit out of me bro!
nick: ah shit..
michel: what? why ar eh acting like that!!
y/n: michel calm down!!

*you stand up and hold michel trying to calm him down*

nick: well in the note at the end it said "for whoever gets grabbed at the neck is the look of the father" so to them your their father.
y/n: nick shut up!
nick: what??
michel: GREAT.. oh for gods sake!!!
y/n: it's not helping you know!
nick: he needs to know!
jesse: ALRIGHT EVERYONE SHUT UP! let's clam the fuck down!

*michel walks away to sit down on the other side of the living room*

michel: so i'm their father now?
nick: well kind of, you look like the father and so they probably think it's him but in a different life.
y/n: the whole family died so the father did as well.. right?
nick: ah yes i forgot to say that the father was the only one that was found after the fire
y/n: well why say the whole family died?
nick: because the police found him undressed fucking his own daughters body and they arrested him, and he killed himself in prison.
y/n: well that's great for michel to hear because now the ghost think he is their rapist dad.

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