The storm.

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*after more exploring and trying to get the children to answer and try and all get some sleep and wake up at 3am*

*nick turns on the camera*

nick: alright so we are now going to be recording all of us sleeping in different room with the cameras we have with us.
y/n and myke and going to be upstairs and me and jesse will be downstairs

michel: i'm ready to leave this place bro
y/n: same this place is scary..
nick: agreed but if we sleep till 3am then we go the ritual then boom we can leave
y/n: whatever you say

*you and myke walk up stairs and pick one of the rooms, myke starts the recording and you lay in one of the bed as he goes to the bed and lays in it*

michel: well the camera is recording so i guess all that's left is sleeping
y/n: yep good night

* you give him a soft smile and he says "goodnight to u to." and falls asleep*

nick: alright guys so me and jesse are in the big bedroom downstairs as y/n and myke are upstairs probably sleeping, tell them jesse what are we are you gonna do
jesse: so we are going to be trying again at communicating with the ghosts in this house.

*nick and jesse sit on the bed and nick sets up the camera*

nick: y'all go first, if anyone can hear me make a noise..

*silence in the room*

nick: i'll try aga-

* a small bang comes from under the bed*

jesse: what the hell was that..?
nick: bro that was underneath me!!
jesse: okay so they hiding?
nick: maybe there scared, if you are scared of me and my friend can u make a little bang again?

*a small bang from underneath*

nick: did u hear that??!!!
jesse: yeah what the fuck was that!??
nick: hold up..

*nick and jesse ask more questions but are ignored and left on red,  jesse fell asleep as nick set a timer for 3am.*

*they are awoken by the timer and the coldness of their room, they get up, grab the camera, go upstairs and get myke and y/n*

*all of them walk downstairs to the living room with all the equipment they need to use*

nick: okay so it is now 3:017 in the morning and we have hear this old radio looking thing, Michel can u explain that this is?
Michel: hey so this is a radio that changes thou stations very fast and spirits can use this to talk to you and communicate.
nick: we also have this device that goes off when it sensors someone is there so ghost can touch this to answer questions that we may ask it.
jesse: the question is who wants to go first?
y/n: i'll go, if anyone can hear me right now can u make yourself known by talking in to this radio or touching this device next to my friend nick..

*more silence then from the radio a little "hello?." is heard*

nick: did anyone hear that??
jesse: bro wtf was that?
y/n: omg i think it's one of the children!!!
nick: oh my fucking gosh, wait ask it something else?!
y/n: okay ok- if you are here can u talk thou that radio again?

*a small "i'm scared.." comes from the radio*

michel: okay i heard that! did it say "im scared"?
nick: wow i didn't expect it to say anything at a-

*a load "he is here!" comes from that radio*

michel: what the fuck!??
nick: he is here?? who is?
jesse:  i am so scared rn..
y/n: same bro..
nick: what do u mean "he is here" who is here?

*"father"... "run" from the radio, as a loud bang comes from the window as they all look there is this white faced man outside with a big smile and blacked out eyes, they all get up and grab all there thing while screaming "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT", " GO GO GO!!!", "WE ARE LEAVING THIS PLACE NOW". opening the door and jumping in the car they speed off while screaming "WE NEED TO GET THE FICK OUT OF HERE!!"*

nick: GUYS!! calm down!!
michel: *heavy breathing*
jesse: what the duck was that!!!,
y/n: i don't know bro!! but we are never coming back EVER!
nick: agreed, michel you alright there?
michel: yeah yea- i'm fine just what was that bro??
nick: i'm guessing the father but he looked rotten.. and so fucking scary alr let's go back home..

*nick turns off the camera and they all drive home dropping jesse at his house, they arrive home and take there shoes off still traumatised..*

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