Manager Ty goes on a Business Trip pt1

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Littles: All of NSB

Caregiver : Nobody at the moment 😰

Oliver POV

As I was walking into the living room to chill with the rest of my bestfriends, I get a sudden realization that Ty isn't here. I walked into the living room to see 6 of my bestfriends on there phones

"Hey guys, Have y'all seen Manager Ty?"

Everyone looks up and comes to reality of Ty not being there. Justin says, "Come to think of it, Where is Tyler?"
Everyone looked around in confusion and worry

"Why didn't Ty tell us that he was gonna be gone?" Seb said in an worried tone

"I don't know, but why don't we call him and confront him about it?" I say in a calm voice

The rest of the boys agreed and I pulled out my phone to call Tyler. I sat on the couch and everyone gathered around me.

"Hey Siri, Call Manager Ty" as soon as I said that, my phone started ringing.

"Yo, why didn't you just press the call button?" Ryan says.

"Well I'm sorry, did YOUUUUUU want to call him"? I say in an exaggerated tone

"DANGGG U GONNA TAKE THAT RYAN????" Darren says mocking Ryan.

"Humph" Ryan says having a pout on his face

Everyone laughs except Ryan

Justin sees Ryan has a pout on his face and ruffles his hair a bit, cheering him up.

Ryan smiled softly.

I looked at my phone to see that Tyler answered, "Hey Guys!!" Tyler exclaimed. Everyone looks at the phone in a mixture of awe and confusion

"Bro where are you?!" Regie says

"Oh sorry Guys, I forgot to tell you that I had a business trip in New York, so I'll be gone for 2 weeks!

"NEW YORK?!?!?!?!" Everyone exclaimed

"2 WEEKS?!?!?" Kane says

"Yea, but I'll be back in no time, Meanwhile, while I'm gone, I expect you guys not to get into any trouble and NO SHENANIGANS!!! Ya here me?"

"Yes Tyler" everyone says in a sad tone

"Don't be sad guys, You can still call and text me!" It's not like I'll be gone forever" Anyways, Bye my babies!!!" "I love youu"

"Eww don't call us your babies!, We're not in littlespace!!" Sebastian and Ryan say.

"Aww I guess you guys are too old for me to take care of you anymore :(" Tyler says in a sad tone while pouting".

"DAMNNN......" everyone but ryan and seb mumbled

"Why would you guys say that!!" I said in a dramatic tone.

Ryan and Seb looked at each other with a worried expression

We-we were j-just kidding!! Seb says.

Y-Yeah we didn't m-mean it!!! You don't have to be sad a-anymore!! Ryan says.

Tyler looked at them with a now happy expression! "Thank you my babies"

Ryan and Seb start blushing.

"Alright guys! I'll call back in the morning! Love you!!"

"WE LOVE YOU TOO!!!" NSB says.

Tyler then waves goodbye and hangs up.

"Now what are we gonna do?" I say in a concerned voice.

"Bro we're adults, it's not like we'll crash the place". I hear Justin say

"I know that, but what happens if yk....all of us falls into.... Littlespace?" I say.

"Then we'll just cross that bridge when we get to it" I hear Regie say.

Justin POV

As I was talking to Oli about all of us going into Littlespace, I then hear Regie saying "Then we'll cross that bridge when we get to it"

After he said that felt kind of worried because As soon as I saw Ryan pout earlier, I knew that he was slowly slipping further and further into Littlespace.

I also know, that after Ryan and Seb said what they said to Ty, I could see that they wanted to slip, but they tried to hold it in.

"Yeah but what happens if all of us fall into littlespace?" Oli asks

"Oh, Come On, I highly doubt that that will ever happen!" Darren says

"I mean yeah, but I'm just sayin it wouldn't be totally out of the ordinary" Oli says

As soon as Oli said that, I felt a something tugging in my leg.

It was Ryan. On the floor. Crawling.

"Jusin, me ans baby wan pway" I hear Ryan say

Everyone in the kitchen looked shocked .

I picked up Ryan and asked him, "Baby, how old are you and Sebby?

Ryan held up 3 fingers

"Okay and what about Sebby?"

He held up 1 finger

I looked at the others in worry

U-uhm Ryan where is Sebby Baby?

"He on da couch, but I gibe him someting to dwink" Ryan says

"That was very nice of u baby" I say in a more relieved voice

"What did you give him" I hear Oli ask Ryan

"I give him soda"

"SODA!?!?" Me, Oli, Regie, and Darren say in unison

"Yea" Ryan says

"Baby, all though what you did was very nice, You can't give babies Sugary Soda unless their gonna be very wild and crazy" Oli tells Ryan.

"I sowwy" Ryan says laying his head on my shoulder.

It's okay baby.

I suddenly hear Regie say

"Uhm Guys, I think you should see this"

Sebastian was running around everywhere NAKED with a soda bottle in his hand.

You could hear all the footsteps and giggles of the little one.

"Hehehehehehehehehe" Seb Giggles

Hey Guys! Hope you like it so far!
My thumbs kinda hurt now, But it's ok bc at least I got to make this story for y'all. See yall laterr Byeee!! ❤❤❤❤

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