New friend/Jealousy

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Heyy y'all happy New yearr

I hope you all are doing well!!


Littles : all of NSB including Jackie (bc why not, and plus Jackie is cute asf)

Omniscient POV

Nsb were all getting ready for Playgroup, while suddenly Tyler had an announcement to make

"Guys, I have some important news for you all!" Tyler said

All of the boys came up to Tyler except for Regie

"Wait, where's Yegie?" Justin asked

This quickly gained Oli's attention

"Well I'm glad you asked little one!, I've came to tell you all that Regie has a new friend named Jackie! He's spending time with her right now but you'll see him later" Tyler announced

While all of the littles were listening to Tyler, Oliver made a sad and upset expression, but nobody noticed

They soon made there way outside of the house and started walking to Playgroup. (You can call it Preschool if you prefer).

It still lingered in Oli's head

"Jackie........New friend........Jackie......... Jackie.......Jackie ...." Oli thought

He was so lost in thought that he forgot that he was waking and forgot to hold hands with Ryan (yk how kids walk to school and have to hold hands? So yeah)

"Hey Owi? Chu Otay?" Ryan asked

"O-Oh Me Otay! Sowwy" Oli said

He then grabbed ahold of Ryan's hand and started walking again

When they finally made it to the classroom, all of NSB started to scatter into different play areas

Ryan and Justin was in the gaming section

Darren and Kane were playing soccer

And Oli was with Seb just singing some Karaoke

Oli was having a good time, Until Regie Came

When Regie came into the classroom Tyler then introduced Jackie to everyone

"HAIIII YEGIE" everyone said except Oli

"Hewwo guys!!! Dis is my fwend and gwirlfwend Ackie!" Regie said proudly

As everyone was saying their hellos and welcoming Jackie, Oli fell silent

"Well Mrs Jackie, would you like to introduce yourself?" Tyler asked

"Otay! my name is Jackie! Me 3 years olds, I wike dancing, watchin movies,  my fwends, Yegie, and uhm..............Yegie!"

Oli's heart broke hearing Jackie mentioning Regie



After Jackie introduced herself, they all went back to playing

But Oli couldn't help but steal a glance everytime Regie was with Jackie

So, trying to get his mind off of things, he moved to a different play area with Justin and Ryan

"Hewwo Oli!!" Justin and Ryan said

"H-Hi" Oli said sadly

"Chu Otay? Cuz me saw Chu was a lil sad today" Ryan said

"Owi....ish it because of Ackie?" Justin asked

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