froggy attack

457 9 1

Are you Ready kids? -Author

Aye aye Joonie! - Y/N

I can't here you! - Author


OOOOoooOOoOOOoOOO - Author

Who lives in a house filled with all Asian Boys? - Author




They're nautical nonsense be something you wish! - Author

NSB Yes! - Y/N

So hop on a deck and give em a kiss! - Author


NORTHSTARBOYS 3X - All together



Now let's get on with the story shall we?

Caregivers : Darren, Regie, Ryan

Littles : The Moy brothers & Darren (later on)


It was a bright and sunny day outside. The NSB members were just chilling out and hanging around the house. Ryan was in his room, Darren was in the kitchen, and Regie was in the living room laying on the couch. When suddenly a little baby decided to crawl up onto Regie

"Dadee!!" Oli said while making grabby hands at Regie

Regie then looked down and cooed at the little

"Well hello baby! How are you today" Regie said

Oliver than laid his head on Regie shoulders

"How old are you baby?" Regie asked

"Me is 1 daddy!" Oli said

Oliver was a bit younger than he usually was, but that didn't bother Regie he just needed to take more care of him

"Aren't you just a little guy hmm?"  Regie cooed

"What wouldn you like to do today? Baby?" Reg asked

"Me wan play outside Dadee!" Oli said

"That sounds like a great idea! The others if they would wanna to come too" Regie suggested


Reg then picked up Oli and took him to Ryan's room

Oliver then knocked on the door

He then heard another little from the other side of the door

"Hewwo? Who ish there?" The little said

"Ith me Owi!" Oli exclaimed

The little quickly open the door

"BUBBIE!" Sebastian yelled

The littles then began to giggle

"Me and Oli are planning to go outside for a little bit do you want to come?" Reg asked

"Yeah sure! I mean me and Sebby have just been in here playing Mario Cart for a little while so we could use some fresh air" Ryan said

"YAYYYY" the littles cheered

Ryan then turned off the game and all four of them walked downstairs

As we're working downstairs Reggie sees Darren in the kitchen

"Hey Dar-Bear wan come outside and play with us?' Seb asked

Darren nodded his head and went along with them

As Ryan opened up the door 2 of the littles ran and played in the grass

Regie, Ryan,  and Darren all stood off to the side and watch does the littles played in laughed

Sebastian was laying and rolling in the grass

And Oliver was looking for things to find in the grass

Then suddenly something catches Oliver's eye

It was a frog!

He quickly scooped the little frog up

Then brought it to the adults

"Dadee!! RyRy! Dawwen!!  WOOK WHAT I FOUND!!!"all we screamed

The three adults all looked toward Oli's direction

Oli then made his way to all three of them

"What is it baby? Reg asked

"Me found a froggy!'

Oli  then brought his hands so that all three adults could see it

But what Oli forgot to realize that Darren was terrified of frogs.......

As he was about to make his way towards to Darren

Darren quickly backed away from all of them

"N-No Baby I'm okay! I don't wanna see it!" Darren said

Oliver being confused, started walking closer and closer to Darren, wondering why he was backing up

Not long after, chaos was about to erupt

As all he kept walking toward Darren with the frog, the frog jumped on to Darren's shirt

Causing Darren to have an episode

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Darren screamed

Everybody stopped what they were doing, and looked at Darren

"GET IT OFF!!! GET IT OFF ME!!!!!" Darren cried he started running and trying to get the frog off of him

Justin, hearing Darren's commotion,  then ran outside to see what happened

"What's going on!!??" Justin yelled

"Me no nu what happened I was jus pwaying wif tha froggy and dawwen started cwying" Oli explained

"DADDY!!!!!" Darren started crying

At this point Darren was in all hysterics

His whole face was red from crying, he was breathing heavy, and was very upset

Justin then quickly ran to Darren to try to calm him down

"Come now baby Daddy's here! You're going to be okay!" Justin reassured

Darren then cleaned on to Justin, as he tried to get the frog off of Darren

Luckily, Justin successfully got the frog off of Darren and gave it back to Oli

Justin then picked up Darren who was still crying and went back inside

~ 2 hours later~

After Darren had his episode, Justin finally put him to sleep

He then walked out of him and Darren shared room and walked into the living room.

"Phew glad that's over" Ryan said

"Me sorry I forgot that Darren was afraid of fwoggies"

"It's okay Oli" Justin said

"I think all of us have had enough for one day, why don't we all just watch a  movie and take a nap?" Regie suggested

All of them agreed and decided to watch the movie "Ponyo"

The end- ❤️❤️❤️

Hope you guys enjoyed! :))))

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2023 ⏰

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