New farming era

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After the rebirth of the college entrance examination, it is not wrong to fail the list. In this life, I will be a farm girl, develop a high-tech farm with my space, lead my family to become rich, and live a happy life! Standing on the roof of the skyscraper, the cold wind blew through, and the catkins couldn't help shivering. Think about how, in order to become a respectable woman over the years, after failing the college entrance examination, she resolutely left the impoverished mountain village where she was born and raised, and came to a strange city that no one knew. Over the years, I have worked hard all the way, cleverly using the men around me one by one, unscrupulously playing them in the palm of my hand, and the journey has been smooth. , is the object of envy. A suit of jewels, designer clothes, and a charming figure have made countless men bow down to their pomegranate skirts and spend a lot of money on learning from others.

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