Epilepsy ~ Poem 1

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When your entire world goes black,

don't worry, you'll wake up soon.

Try not to crumble at the sight of their shocked and concerned eyes as you wake up.

Instead, rejoice in another triumph.

You've made it through again.

Other disorders aren't visible; it's not like that.

Until it happens, no one knows.

This invisible monster tries to dominate your life,

but you must strip it from its power.

When your head feels as fuzzy as a cloud,

and your body weak as a pappus in the wind,

remind yourself, you're a warrior with the strength of a lion.

There is nothing wrong with you...nothing wrong with you.

You're not an inconvenience, you're not a problem.

Some may think you're dramatic, just looking for attention.

Some might think you can't take care of yourself, like a child who needs supervision.

What they think is irrelevant, ignore it.

Your feelings are valid and while you may need some help,

you're strong. You're adept, you're capable.

As you close your eyes and feel like you're falling,

remember, it's solely a matter of your brain's familiarity with the sensation.

You're okay, your feet are firm on the ground.

When your heart starts pounding and your chest gets tight,

take a deep breath...in...out...in...out...let the anxiety pass.

Focus on something, anything, that distracts you from the feeling.

As you walk up and down flights of stairs,

As your feet tread along concrete,

As you stand elevated,

you must defeat the all too familiar beast of fear.

You know you're different.

Your brain doesn't work as it "should."

One of the only things people can control in this life is their body,

but for you, that luxury is nonexistent - it betrays you unexpectedly.

Sometimes it takes the petite form of a short mental absence.

To others, you're not paying attention, but that brief

lapse of consciousness is more frustrating than they know.

The memories of each injury live in the back of your mind,

allowing worry and hesitancy to build a home in your heart.

The broken bones, the strained muscles, the complete physical exhaustion.

You remember it all, yet still do what you can to replace the thoughts with positivity.

When you're alone in your room,

with nothing to do but stare at the wall

feel the concept of hope course through your veins

and unlock the cage you've found yourself in.

Unlock it and escape to a world where you find peace.

Create your own world and visit whenever you need to.

In my world, there is no such thing as chronic disorders.

Anxiety, depression, fear, and stress are complete strangers.

Their darkness does not cast a single shadow over

the wildflowers that dance on their stems in the light breeze.

Accept the embrace of the warm sun,

feel the breeze kiss your cheek.

Let the blossom's sweet innocence pervade your nostrils,

Let the cool grass surround your uncovered feet.

But after a time in this paradise, we must return to our reality.

It's not always easy, but it is essential to moving forward.

You are strong, you are brave, you are an overcomer.

You are a warrior, and you can win this battle.

Epilepsy ~ A Free Verse PoemWhere stories live. Discover now